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Posts posted by KingGibbs

  1. 1 hour ago, KingGibbs said:

    Well my son is active duty, my dad, his dad and all of my Uncle's are retired military. All of them that have passed were honored with a military funeral and a flag draped over their casket. One just last Thursday.

    Here's another one for you Evil. The Steelers stood united and held the flag in honor of their left tackle that served three tours of duty.


  2. Are you serious Evil? We don't think about the military during the Anthem? What a dumbass statement. 

    The Honor guard is on the field holding the flag DURING the Anthem. Military personnel SING the Anthem. There are flyovers just as the Anthem ends. The public announcer says "Please rise as we honor the men and women of our armed forces" before the Anthem begins.

    Again. Stupid statement on your part.

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  3. That's okay Evil. The majority of the athletes no matter their ethnic background respect the flag because they want to respect the men and women of our military. That's where my issue lies with Kaepernick's protest. His message will fall on deaf ears for that reason alone. You and I don't agree and that will never change.


  4. Like to see how much money he's donated to oppressed neighborhood's. That would be more impressive than disgracing (IMO) the flag. It's unpatriotic (again IMO) and as many issues as this country has? It pales in comparison with most of the world. That'seems to be lost here. 

    Just another day in America where divided we stand. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Dan T. said:

    Some might say that those who sacrificed their lives did so in part so that everyone could express their views freely. As Kaepernick did.  Not that you have to agree with it...

    Well his timing is suspect in my opinion. About to lose his job. He's had ample opportunity to do this. 

    Lives were sacrificed so he could get paid handsomely to play a sport. 






  6. When I see our flag I see a symbol of freedom and I think about those that sacrificed their lives for that freedom. You disrespect both when you pull a Kaeperdick. Of course, once again, political correctness comes to the forefront. Am I angry? No. Am I disgusted? Yes.

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  7. So taking the easy road to a championship is what is considered being a man these days? eh...

    So calling out another man's manhood because he wants to better himself and he knows his situation has plateaued makes you more of a man eh?

    I loved that LeBron won the 'ship because it pissed people off. People seem to forget how much money he raised for the 'Boys and Girls club' as a result of 'The Decision.'

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