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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. When did China get a NNT??? And how will I now stay informed about weird news from around the world?
  2. I don't get the "Prominent theoretical physicists" list. What's the LOL about?
  3. A lot of the "other" counties were in rural North Carolina, so maybe the poll takers just couldn't understand what the hell the people were saying. BTW, that is a very cool map.
  4. ... nice that it shows the overall discussion going downhill too.
  5. Easy. FIFA rules clearly state that hard bracelets cannot be worn, so the red bracelet she is wearing is clearly illegal. Also, she has no navel.
  6. That pic was taken at the end of last month's meeting of ES moderators.
  7. Irish Police Fail: Will the Real "Prawo Jazdy" Please Stand Up Thu Feb 19, 6:11 am ET DUBLIN (Reuters) – Irish police have solved the mystery of a Polish recidivist who clocked up 50 traffic offences on different addresses and who was never caught, after one officer noticed his name meant "driving licence" in Polish. An internal police memo cited by Irish papers on Thursday said officers taking details of Polish traffic offenders had been mistakenly using "Prawo Jazdy," printed in the top right corner of the driving licence, as the holder's name. "Prawo Jazdy is actually the Polish for driving licence and not the first and surname on the licence," the police memo dated June 2007 said. "It is quite embarrassing to see the system has created Prawo Jazdy as a person with over 50 identities." A police spokesman declined to comment on the reports. About 200,000 Polish people flocked to Ireland during the boom years of its "Celtic Tiger" economy.
  8. Isn't that the same girl who's in someone's sig, wearing a tan top, bouncing in front of a fireplace?
  9. Thanks, that must be the answer. I didn't get it either.
  10. A kitten on Shaw Drive has rectum problems. Probably scared ****less by the Arnold Schwarzenegger cut-out.
  11. I counted 13 people coming out of that minivan.
  12. Naw, he pulled one over on that news reporter. No way is that really his name. He's actually Hugh Jardon.
  13. Yeah, no fighting in the funny pictures thread. Take it outside.
  14. Ding! I called Austin Grill, and it was Fire Rock Pale Ale from Hawaii's Kona Brewing Company. Just the right bite of hoppiness and a nice copper color. The bartender said they've reordered more, so they'll be pouring it for awhile.
  15. At the Austin Grill last week I had a Pale Ale on tap from Hawaii. They had just started pouring that brand. That was the tastiest beer I've had in months. I can't remember the name of it, though. I'm gonna have to call them and ask.
  16. Please start a thread. It would instantly become an all-timer.
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