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Posts posted by Tarhog

  1. tarhog, i'm going to assume that's your son. chip off the ol' block, huh?

    Yeah, hopefully in a good way - he's an awesome kid :)

    From left to right starting with me, thats my son, spanishomelette (another of my favorite posters), my bud PCS (who's a great guy, but keep him away from the minibar), and MonteColeman51 (another super guy who had his fine son there with him as well).

    That was an incredible gathering of Skins fans. We outnumbered, outenthused, and outclassed the Seahawk fans in the vicinity - that is a fact.

  2. Well, after over two years I've finally decided to peek my head from out under the covers.

    Here I am...

    A nice mug like that, and you wait two years??

    Shame on you Marlon, shame on you.

    And nice to meet you :)

  3. The shirt (for cats like illone who've called into question my allegiance in the past) says "The Redskins Have Gone Hog Wild!" I was 6+ in this pic, I believe.

    You've got major street cred now :cheers:

  4. Thats a great idea J.....and hilariously, if thats a blank panther perched on a tree limb, my older brother had that exact black light poster (cue the 'whats a black light?' questions) :laugh:

  5. well, i took the "hint."

    but if you're going to complain, you should at least post a pic and not just add more convo. :2cents:

    Touche' - and didn't have you or anyone specific in mind :cheers: Its all good.

    I still love you Major Harris....

    and just for you, here's one of me and the infamous Sugewhite at the Ravens pre-season scrimmage last year.

  6. Not to be a hard@ss... but there's WAY way to much conversation in this thread. It's getting to be pages now between pictures... and it's ruining the point of this thread. Can we please reserve this thread for pictures only... and continue dialogue in other threads.

    I, for one, really enjoy this thread.... but with the current trend of conversation... its' unlikely I'll view it any more.

    Thanks Die Hard - I've had the same thought.

    And since its my thread, and one of the longest running (if not THE longest running) thread on extremskins, I'll second that.

    Less talk. More photos :)

  7. Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I knew all along! Woohoo!!!

    (Makes all those posts where I slipped a little seem...less gay, no?) :silly: :laugh:

    Only those posts. The rest are still plenty gay :)

    not that theres anything wrong with that.

  8. and yet strangely exhilerated.

    ***just kidding - you are lovely, but then so is Blondie and I haven't started stalking her yet.

    yet :)

    it really is great to put a face with a name, and the little one's a cutie too!

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