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Posts posted by TheShredder

  1. On 5/16/2024 at 5:21 PM, 88Comrade2000 said:

    I move the ceiling to 9-8 now, with a little luck. Anywhere from 7-10 to 9-8.

    Yeah man I've got them at 7-10 window, so I take the OVER 6.5

    If JD gets hot they could run out 6 wins before anyone has an answer. They better not let that dude get on a roll...

    It could get scary!



  2. On 5/16/2024 at 12:31 PM, kleese said:

    Well, I got one— sort of. I had us playing Dallas on 11-24 at 1pm; only thing is I had that as the home game. Wasn’t close on much else; I had us with three primetime games and we got two. Some thoughts:


    —Considering this is a 9 home game season for us, I was a little surprised to see us open 3/4 on road and 4/6 AND close on the road. That means a TON of home games in middle part of season. 

    —We’ve opened with the Bucs before (quite memorably in the Gibbs return game in 2004), but I don’t think we’ve ever opened IN Tampa. I’m straining my brain but can’t recall a w1 down there. 

    —First time we do not kickoff at 1pm w1 since 2018 and the first time we’ve kicked off in the late Sunday window in a non-West coast game since 2011 (Giants). 

    —I believe this will be first time we’ve ever played Bengals on MNF (or at least since early 80s). 

    —First time we’ve played Steelers on a Sunday afternoon at home since late 80s (1988 I think?) 

    If those bullets are correct, those are very intering points.

    I really like the schedule too. It could play into the favor of a rookie QB who takes off by week 6. 

    There shouldn't be high expectations with a rookie QB in the first month, even if he ends up winning OROY. Jayden is such a scale shifter with his speed, they'll win a couple games in the first month and half before hitting the most advantageous part of the schedule. 


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  3. 10 hours ago, mistertim said:

    I hope they don't rush him back. That 4 week timeline sounds bonkers. Let him rest for 3-4 months until he's fully healed and then, if everyone agrees, phase him in gradually. Him being on the field this year isn't the difference between going to the playoffs or not. 


    There's more to it because there's something in his play that needs to be mediated with custom cleats and insols as well as technical tweaks.  Those foot guys know their business! 

    This is not a big deal IMO. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, KDawg said:

    So… Newton is essentially a guy they drafted for next year, then?


    I mean I kinda get it given the talent level and where we got him. But it shines the light on several OL prospects that were in the same ballpark talent wise not being the selection.


    Definitely takes some balls to do.

    I wouldn't discount the concern about both feet having Jones Fractures, however that's not bad if you think about it. 

    He got those fractures from pushing guys into the ground with great force...that's what you want. He's a beast! 

    We also know he heals from this surgery in 4 months because he just did it. 

    I don't think it's a IR thing.  Maybe a PUP List thing possibly but from recent history we know he can be back on the field by September.

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  5. 2 hours ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

    @TheShredder, if they do the same surgery on the other foot is he likely done for the majority of the season?

    Not at all. 

    He had surgery in January and his Pro Day was in April. We all assumed that him being in a boot was the surgically repair drumstick.  So he healed from this same thing in 4 months. Every reason to expect the same results on the other side. He needs to 'heel only' weight bearing until it's completely closed. Everybody is different, but we already know his timeline. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:



    I'm not a Podiatrist, but the one treating Newton will figure out why there's extra stress there.  Since the other foot is not the one in the boot, his healing time is 4 months.

    They'll have custom cleats made to help shift his weight.

    This is why he slipped in the draft.

    Some people just have jacked up feet. He'll get it fixed but doesn't trend well for longevity. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, CommanderInTheRye said:



    So does that mean another 6 to 9 months, beginning when he put on the boot?


    If so, this season may end up being the pro equivalent of a red shirt year.

    Post surgical recovery time is based off of adhearance to the plan...he didn't follow the plan. He should have not participated in that Pro Day. Minus the MRI and measuring any gaps (which they did and put him in a boot), it's a guess. I have no idea which procedure he had, but normal Jones Fracture uses a compression screw and patients feel better far sooner than the actual healing time. As long as he didn't do too much damage, calcium deposits will fill in the gaps. It's not super bad or he'd have another surgery to fix it again. 

    Best guess is 4 months...so August  ==> If I were the Commanders MRO I'd make him wear the boot with any weight bearing the entire time. 

    The rehab is zero toe stress. He definitely screwed that up. Was only supposed to bear weight on his heal but he was non-compliant.


    Other scenario is it's just not 100% closed and so you'd put him in a boot and scan him again in a few weeks. 

    This is what we're hoping for! 🙏

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  8. 3 minutes ago, srtman04 said:

    Now we know why he fell out of the 1st.......

    Makes sense. 

    1 minute ago, FootballZombie said:




    But its a blessing too. Great talent at a cheaper price, as long as your willing to dish out for the injury tax.

    Given our roster construction, if there is any rookie we can afford to slow roll with its this dude.


    Give him all the time he needs, limit his reps, whatever. No rush whatsoever.

    Ya man, it's a bargain...still a great pick for them and wasn't for those that needed a DT this year. 

    We can say that the new Medical Staff is on top of it. He won't be on the field until it's fully closed. 👍

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  9. 6 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:


    Everything you said, as always, when it comes to the medical field, injuries, etc is true and accurate.


    Uhm, I just felt I needed to mention that my complete post was just a joke. Even the part about Keim saying the surgery went well was just part of the setup.



    It's just the fact he's in the boot. 

    Now, what would you do as an athlete trying to get that 1st round $$?  Exactly what he did. I get it. 

    If tthey had an MRI before they drafted him, then they knew it wasn't completely healed. If they did not have an MRI, they have one now! 

    That's why he's in a boot. Clock restarts at the point his foot goes in the boot.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

    Nothing to worry about.


    Keim just reported that the doctor said the procedure went smoothly, and all indications are that Newton should be ready for the start of the season, or shortly thereafter.

    It's not healed..not allowing his bone to completely heal before doing anything is very stupid. There's no doc who would sign off on him for full duty without an MRI which would have revealed incomplete fussion. Seems as though he felt better and likely did whatever he wanted instead of the latter and now there's a price to pay. You cannot train bone growth. They can stimulate it, but those don't work on everyone and the amount of increased growth isn't much.  

    6-9 MONTHS for that to fully heal...he had surgery in January...he participted in a Pro Day at the end of April.  HUGE mistake! 


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  11. On 5/6/2024 at 9:22 PM, RandyHolt said:

    It's 100% pure speculation that he needs rest. What he needs is to be at full health to play full time and be effective.  Allen had a foot injury plantars?? that maybe never fully healed. That **** is painful as F and was on the injured list all year. And he had a knee late.

    Not sure about him or Payne needing rest, but the league avg is 65% of snaps and they both played in the 85% range. It would probably be a strategic adjustment to manage the reps to closer to the average moving forward. 

    Remember when Allen was drafted and had questions about his shoulders or something?  Never heard anything about him having issues with those wings, but he's had foot and knee issues recently. That late knee could have been made up or made out to be more than it was as they IR'd a bunch of guys at the end of the year in meaningless games. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, RWJ said:

    All of us have opinions.  I think Way of ALL the Commander players should be one to keep the #5 if it has ties and meant something to him.  He has proven himself in the NFL.  Rookies need to earn that respect as Way has.  


    To many times I have heard others say that they should be paid in the work force the same as a 20-25 year vet after working for 2 years in the field.  I don't think so.  It takes time and experience to gain the knowledge to learn a trade whether it be punter, natural gas machine repairman, I.T. Specialist etc.  

    Man I agree with you.

    As much as we all love us some Tress Way, he's a 34 yr old punter in a profession with an average career of less than 5 yrs. Statistically, last year was a down year for him and it wouldn't be a shock if he's not here in 2025. If his heart felt speach/media appearance was an indicator, Tress Way seems to understand what's up. 

    Awesome dude and hope he has a really good year with a record low number of punts. 



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  13. 57 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

    They signed NFLPA contracts. Marvin Harrison was the only one who didn’t. Regardless, it’s not an issue other than off season fodder.

    Signing a union card doesn't have anything to do with it. Marvin Harrision not signing yet has more to do with HIS contract negotiations as he thinks he's worth more. 

    It absolutely is an issue if they've broken any laws. If not they both publicly said it, so they both will have to publicly cancel it, then it's fodder. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, redskinss said:

    That doesn't make any difference, the rule clearly states that they cannot make bets between teammates, It's not like they would do that in a casino.


    Now I agree that this is unlikely to amount to anything since they haven't exchanged money or even signed their contracts yet but If this was next year and ten grand had been exchanged they'd be screwed.

    I was in a union for 30 years. The fact that they join doesn't instantly make them subject to policies and procedures. Employers must train new employees on their policies and procedures and get a signature of acknowledgement of receiving the training before they can be held to account. If they didn't break the law, the NFL cant discipline either one yet. 

    Expect both of them to say publicly that there is no more bet. 

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  15. On 5/6/2024 at 5:18 PM, 88Comrade2000 said:

    Best case would be 3-3 in the division and splitting with everyone. Don’t see us sweeping anyone or getting swept.

    Also depends when our divisional games are. If they are grouped early on the schedule, that wouldn’t be good. You want them spread out.

    Yeah that's the same feeling I get and probably most of us. 

  16. 6 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    If the season started today, you would have Lucas and Wylie as the starting tackles. 

    I think this team is going to play hard and be exceptionally well prepared.  But there is also going to be a learning curve.  For everybody, because every system is new.


    i hate to play the record game because there are so many variables, but I think they’re probably between 7-9 wins.  And I would take closer to the 7 than the 9. 

    Could they get to 10? Sure.  But that would also have to probably coincide with the e complete collapse of either Dallas or Philly, and the other taking a bit of a step back also.  If you’re going to get to 10, you have to at least go 3-3, maybe even 4-2 in division.  

    LT could be Coleman and RT could be Lucas.  I just sense that Lucas is going to get a chance to earn a starting gig and Wylie doesn't have EB this year.

    I view the learning curve the same as it's seen in new schemes every year...The first month is a trial by fire before they pin down putting the right guys in the right packages and the scheme gets automated around week 5-6. I was guessing they'll be doing well to win 4 games by week 10. Splitting in your division is always the minimum requirement and the F'ing Giants are not going to suck when they play WSH (for some damn reason).


  17. 49 minutes ago, Command The 414 said:

    A foreshadow of a reunion between JD & Aiyuk? 

    That's a year too soon. Wouldn't anticipate Adam Peters 1-giving up draft picks for a WR that is looking to reset the market...2-adding top of the market Free Agents in year 1. 

    He knows what SF wants and what they'll likely do.  Aiyuk is a guy that you add when you don't have a #1 WR or you're one piece away from making a run. 

    Being Patient...


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  18. 1 hour ago, Conn said:


    1. Sinnott was our only guy at that pick we had to have 


    2. Damn the Jets loved Corley, and it was really tough for them to get anyone to move back to 72 from the mid-50’s. Shows how much value teams placed on that area of the draft, where we managed to get up to 53 from 78 due to our 40 —> 50 trade back. Makes that deal look even more slick from Peters, that was an extremely coveted tier of players. 

    I felt like Sinnott was an Adam Peters guy from the first time I saw the breakdowns of the TE's.  Seemed like a no-brainer to me. 

    How Peters got the trade dialed in is amazing...seems clear that the Eagles and Commanders will be the drivers of the NFC East with these two GM {God Mode} elites. 

  19. 11 hours ago, Est.1974 said:

    I think you are probably right, however the passing over of DeJean at #40 because we were clearly focused on Sainristil make me slightly question that logic.


    You have to assume we didn’t have a first round grade on DeJean, or had other concerns. I know we got good trade value, but imagine if we hadn’t got Sainristil at #50 once that CB run started.

    Man I think you will be surprised with how much of a beast Sainristil will be...think Kendall Fuller's rookie year.  They did just fine. Dude has the ability to be an All Pro Nickle. They've had issues with a weak middle of the field and now it's solved. 

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  20. I like this draft for many reasons. They drafted a beast in the 2nd instead of our typical whiff in that spot. Sinnott is a beast 💪 I wondered who AP was going to choose as he's been awesome at TE selection. Sanristril is seriously underrated and could be special. Luke McCaffery will be a good possession slot like his dad. 


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