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Posts posted by Riggo-toni

  1. I always thought I was guilty of being a foodie because I eat bison or better yet, ostrich (when I can find it) instead of beef; pink pepper instead of black; sunchokes instead of potatoes; legit San Marzano tomatoes, etc.... But reading this thread makes me feel a lot better about myself and my cooking preferences.

  2. Under Netanyahu, Israel had a policy of benign neglect vis a vis Hamas in Gaza, whilst clamping down on the PA in the West Bank.  Israel wasn't actively propping up Hamas in Gaza, they just left them alone and once Hamas won the election in 2005, they threw all the PA politicians off of rooftops.

    Hamas currently has a 40% approval rating in the West Bank, which is double that of the hated, hopelessly corrupt PA.  None of the Arab countries want to get involved in Gaza.  Not surprising that Netanyahu, whose policy has clearly blown up in his face, has no strategic plans for whatever comes next.

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  3. I suspect a good part of these failures is an unintended side effect of the Jones Act - a law passed after WW1 that mandates all vessels in American waters must be fully American made and entirely American manned.  The intention behind the law was to coerce the US to build a capable naval fleet, which I guess we lacked during the first WW.  Instead, it killed a lot of industry in cities that had been built by navigable waterways, and old decrepit US ships are constantly reconditioned because our commercial shipbuilding industry is far more inefficient and costly than the rest of the world.  The act's original purpose looks ridiculous now - we have the most powerful navy in the history of the world and it's not even close.  We could reduce our carbon footprint, add hundreds of billions of dollars to the economy, and reduce incidents like these if we repealed the Jones Act, but we won't because unions will turn on any politicians who try...

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  4. Other than centers, it seems like most of the guys we've picked outside of the top 5 at OL have been busts. Only exceptions I can think of are Dockery, Moses, and Cosmi (who was a bust at OT, but looks like a solid guard). I know it's a new era with Peters, but it's just hard for me to be optimistic.

  5. I was hoping we might sign Tulia Tagovailoa as our udfa QB.  Don't know anything about Hartman, but he better beat out Fromm for crying out loud.

    Given JD's thin frame and Mariota's brittle nature, there's a better than average chance our 3rd string QB sees playing time.

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