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Posts posted by Gamebreaker

  1. I knew they would eventually set him free. They had no case, the detectives on this case were crooked as hell, and as momentum began to build and people started looking further into it, they really had no choice but to admit they screwed the case up from the very start. Apparently, there are two more suspects that were never mentioned, not fully investigated, and her car was actually found not far from one of these suspects' family members home. 

  2. It should go without saying, that if it was BLM storming the Capitol building today. These things would've happened immediately and before the week is done:


    - dozens upon dozens of black and brown people shot dead by police (the same police seen taking selfies with these insurgents btw)

    - DC put on lockdown until several more arrests were made for the organizers of this clearly terrorist event. 

    - bills put forward and rushed into law that further limit actual non-violent protests that resemble nothing like what we saw today. 

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  3. On 7/6/2020 at 10:12 PM, just654 said:

    For the Phoenix officer shooting above. They released body cam footage. Have to watch to the end of the video officer retrieves a gun from the suspects lap. Way to early in the investigation but he was not unarmed. 



    How do you know that he was not unarmed when the edited video you linked begins after he's dead and we don't know how long it's been since he was shot. In the video of the shooting only one window is busted, in that video all the windows were busted. How long did that take? In a time where we have evidence of officers planting evidence caught on their own bodycams, why would you automatically believe this video? 


    Also, there is talk that he wasn't even the suspect they were looking for. 

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  4. If these pandering politicians want to do more than kneel for 90 seconds with kente cloth on while doing a photoshoot, or rename streets like any of that nonsense matters. They'll push for laws that take the teeth out of these police unions, push to overturn laws that allow police to avoid individual accountability for their actions, and look to institute a new government agency to specifically polices the police. Yes, they've earned that much attention and clearly they cannot be police themselves. Do all of this and make police brutality a federal crime and we won't see psychopaths like Chauvin with 18 complaints murdering unarmed black men on camera. 


    With consistency and being diligent, they could get rid of this gang-like police culture over time. But that would require the people could actually effect change doing more than just pandering and waiting for the anger to die down so they can go back to being puppets to big business. 

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  5. 3 North Carolina police officers fired over racist rants


    At the 46-minute mark of the video, Piner and Gilmore began talking from their respective cars, at which time Piner criticized the department, saying its only concern was “kneeling down with the black folks.” About 30 minutes later, Piner received a phone call from Moore, according to the investigation, a segment in which Moore referred to a Black female as a “negro.” He also referred to the woman by using a racial slur. He repeated the use of the slur in describing a Black magistrate, and Moore used a gay slur to describe the magistrate as well.

    Later, according to the investigation, Piner told Moore that he feels a civil war is coming and that he is ready. Piner said he was going to buy a new assault rifle, and soon “we are just going to go out and start slaughtering them (expletive)” Blacks. “I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.”




    But systemic racism isn't a thing....

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  6. On 5/31/2020 at 1:37 AM, Llevron said:

    They are full of **** that’s why. Lost my love when they forgot about Trumps taxes 


    I think this group is different from the previous group. I recall reading some of them made deals to get out of jail and snitched on the rest.  

  7. 6 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

    It's strange. The more this appears to be a slam dunk, the more I feel unsure of the outcome.


    At the very least, it'll be much more difficult to show/believe that race wasn't a factor, like many people (including people in the Tailgate) did with Martin/Zimmerman. 


    Don't remind me of that thread. The depths people went to defend Zimmerman... considering his behavior and we know about him now I'm sure they wouldn't want to revisit their comments. 

    • Like 6
  8. 19 hours ago, Llevron said:

    I didn’t know they had video of this. I bet they still get away with it 


    Right. They made their intentions known by claiming it was self-defense....of the two aggressors with shotguns, from the unarmed jogger. Only in America do racist idiots think the mental gymnastics they employ to come up with these BS justifications make any kind of sense. 


    It is not self-defense to leave your home, with shotguns, get in your vehicle and then stalk a man who you have zero evidence has committed any crimes. 

    1. What kind of nurse can't tell if a patient has pneumonia or not? I don't have any medical background, and I know you need to use a stetscope and listen for fluid in the lungs.  That whole situation could've been avoided if the staff there weren't inhuman ****s, and the first EMS who arrived on the scene actually took him to the hospital after the first seizure. 
  9. I keep watching that video of Kobe and Gigi at a Lakers game, and he's teaching her stuff and she's immediately picking it all up. It's just so tragic. 


    Tomorrow is not promised for any of us. We make plans all the time on what we're going to do tomorrow, the weekend, later in the year. We do it like it's a foregone conclusion that we'll still be here to be able to do those things, but it's not. We let misgivings and unresolved issues with people we love linger because we just don't want to deal with the tension of working it out, and we think there is going to be a day in the future where we'll finally resolve it. 


    But the reality of it is we've convinced ourselves death happens to everyone, but us. We know it'll be our turn one day, and we avoid thinking about it because we've convinced ourselves it's so far in the future that we have time to do things they we know we should be doing. This is one of the thoughts that keeps replaying in my head since this happened. This, and Vanessa will never be the same again. 

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Destino said:

    when do we find out who shot the innocent victims?  Surely there must be some forensic evidence, right?  Anyone know who started firing first?  I assume it was the criminals in the truck but I haven’t seen it definitively stated.  Did the police try to deescalate the situation at all?


    You trust them to admit it if they actually fired first? 


    I've seen some people claiming the robbers used the UPS driver as a meat shield against the police. I saw the helicopter footage, they used civilians as shields in their vehicles. Multiple vehicles. At least three. Regardless of who shot first, that bystander in their vehicle is dead because they intentionally brought fire to their direction by hiding behind him or her. 

    • Haha 1
  11. The state of Maryland does not want Adnan Syed to go free for multiple reasons, and none of them have to do with whether they think he actually killed his ex-gf Hae. The initial investigation into her murder has been called into question by not just Serial, but the Undisclosed podcast. The effort they've put into preventing a new case, because they know they would lose, is to avoid paying Adnan a ton of money he'd be owed and whatever lawsuit he may initiate to get more, and the fact that this story is globally known and it would be a massive black eye for the state justice department. 


    One of the detectives on the Adnan case has had over a dozen cases overturned as it was proven he coerced false statements from witnesses or just told them what to say to avoid being prosecuted for unrelated crimes. Which is exactly what many suspect he did to witness Jay Wilds, and the evidence supports it. 


    It's unfortunate, because the only way Adnan would be freed is if the State of MD has no choice because the actual killer was found. IMO, it was Hae's current bf Don, at the time of death. 



  12. 2 hours ago, PF Chang said:

    The internet response to S8 is an overreaction. On Reddit the complaints are basically as follows:


    1. Why is the crippled kid the king? I wanted anime hero Jon Starkgaryen to be the king. He should be married to the hot queen at the end. Every problem should be solved by Jon Starkgaryen winning a 1v1 swordfight with his magic sword. 


    2. Jon/Daenerys shippers whose only requirement for the show is a generic Disney ending for the couple. These people are the worst. 


    3. Why is Sansa such a ****, why doesn't she trust Daenerys? All Daenerys did was bring an army and nukes to her doorstep. Not like there's any history of a Stark king dying because of a romantic relationship either. 


    4. Don't you idiot writers know that Jaime Lannister is on a Redemption Arc? That means he is Bad at first, then it is time for his redemption, then he is Good. He never would have went back to Cersei, real people never make bad decisions like that. 


    There are a lot of things that weren't great about S8 but I think people are mostly mad they didn't get a generic and predictable ending. The hate is way over the top. 




    It was terrible, and not because a minority of viewers had some bad ideas of how it should've ended. 

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