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Posts posted by gbear

  1. Except we may actually be 30 years away this time.  There are still all the issues bring this new energy production up to scale, securing the needed materials and then producing ways of transmitting/transferring the energy.  However, these are the seemingly more mundane issues with the sci-fi of creating a net positive energy seemingly in reach.

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  2. Maybe Ted will realize why mental health should be covered like other medical conditions.  Not every thing can be overcome with stoicism.  As for her, I feel for nothing but sympathy.  Having MS, I know suicide is a very common cause of death. 


    I hope she gets help for the pain she is suffering, and I hope the rest of the world gives her the space and attention she needs to find her way.   

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  3. As a defender, I hated the diva diving.  If I am honest though, I did trip myself a few times to conveniently fall into the attacking player to give the sweeper time and space.  I was never looking for a call, quite the opposite.  I was just using my 6'4" long legged frame being "clumsy" as a way to slow the attacker's pursuit.  It was good for a time or two a game.

  4. I am currently enjoying Stephen King's Fairy Tale.  I am about half way through it, and the build up is very well done.  So far, I have enjoyed this book as much as any of his since Needful Things and the Green Mile (tie for second).


    The uncut version of The Stand is still my favorite for showing what it would be like if so many people we know died suddenly. He introduces dozens of characters, so many it is hard to keep track of who is who.  Then he kills almost all of them off...except a very few.  It really gives the feeling of what it would be like surviving an end of world event.    

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  5.  My prediction is stocks drop on retail sales data when next released. My prediction is based on a single experience (bad science), but stil a chilling one for me. I had to go to Walmart on Black Friday. I will grant it was 9pm a long time from when the door crashers come rushing into the stores, but the store is in an affluent area.  


    My experience: I checked out with no line. That's it. I have never gone to Walmart and checked out without waiting in line, much less on the day after Thanksgiving.

  6. Just remember the quote from Auguste Comte, "Demography is destiny."  I think it is true from a macro-economics view for countries.


    China is reaping the effects of 30 years of one child law.  Europe wishes they had Mexico on their border to send them workers.  I have said for years here, "We need more immigrants not fewer.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, Larry said:


    Hey.  Maybe these third world militaries could sell their weapons back to Russia.  Since their equipment might be better than Russia's are, right now.  


    Or at least better maintained?

  8. Except it isn't. I suspect we need bases of operation and even a nominal ally in the region other than Israel. We need the counter to any Iranian threat.  All of which would be threatened by a hard  line against Khashoggi. Heck, I note they already tried to screw us with cutting oil production before the mid terms. It didnt work then.


    The pardon is the sad truth of Realpolitic.

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  9. My favorite scuba is in Saipan.  Guam is pretty awesome too.  Having snorkeled a lot in the Caribbean (Belize, U.S. Virgin Islands, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica), I can honestly say I believe what I was told when it comes to the waters around Guam and Saipan having orders of magnitude greater variety of fish and corral.  I have a couple of pictures I posted back in 2011.   

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  10. Maybe it's me, but i think the run game is better with Heinicke.  I think he does more to hide where the ball is in the handoffs, and because he is a threat to run it, he creates a moments hesitation for the D which allows the entire plays to work just a smidge better.  The thing is, that smidge is the difference between 3 yards with a cloud of dust and a 1 yard gain.  Those differences change third and short to third and long.  We are winning converting third and shorts.  We were losing when consistently forced into third and long with an OL that can't give time for plays to develop down field.  Given that we can't give time for many plays to develop down field, I put less emphasis on our QB's ability to throw the long ball.

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