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I put a new song up at Pure Volume....


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Well I have said before I like your music. It is very cool, this song reminds me of "Trip Like I do" by The Crystal Method, in which they took samples fromThe Dark Crystal. Let me know when you get an album together, I'd pick it up definately!! Keep up the good work.

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I also like it. Wouldn't mind putting some kind of flash video together with something you did. If you ever come up with something around 30 to 45 seconds with a very fast paced upbeat tempo, shoot me a PM, and I'll put some kind of an into together.

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Hey guys, thanks for listening and posting a reply. I really appreciate the comments - as well as the previous ones that folks posted - and let's me know that some of my stuff isn't too bad.

Doozinbrah, I am going to try to finish an album by the end of the summer, so I will let you know how it goes. I have abotu half an album's worth at this time, so whenever I can get into the creative frame of mind, I am going to finish a few more tracks.

And, Chewy, I'd love to see a flash short to accompany some of my music. Ever since I used to watch Liquid T.V., I've always wanted to create some multimedia visual displays. I can put something together for such a video - one of my tunes, Space India, is a little faster and upbeat, but I can do something in the 140-150 tempo range if that's what you were thinking.

Thanks again for the folks at Extremeskins for giving my stuff a chance!


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