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Computer/Networking question...

Johnny Punani2

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I am thinking about changing careers and going into networking. There is a program at my local comm college where you can get your CCNA/CCNP both at the same time. The total time for the class is about 7 months. My question is will this be enough for me to get an entry level job as an Admin or Engineer?

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It depends upon the area where you live, but any type of certification that has "Cisco" in its title will definitely improve your chances of getting a job. But, as I mentioned, it varies on the job market and where you live. Also, trying to get as much hands-on networking experience truly helps as well. It's one thing to have a cert., it's another to know how to use that knowledge!


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Unfortunately, I've ran accross many people who only have certs and no experience. Sorry, not a knock on you personally, I guess everyone needs to start somewhere.

Yes you should be able to get a job. Your cert holds billable vaue. Your lack of experience allows companys to reflect your salary as lack of experience while they bill you at a high rate because of your cert. That's how it works.

Good luck!

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