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OT - Cowbell Voodoo

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I am a Kings fan , and I can tell you , that in Sacramento , we try to be a part of the game as much as posible ......If we can make a difference , then we will....

Which is why we have the tradition of the "Cowbell"

the "Cowbell" started when alot of different players (Even Chris Webber) said that Sac aint nothing but Feilds , and Cows ...When Sac was one of the Worst teams in the NBA , alot a players , and coaches made fun of Sac .....

But now that the Kings are 1 of the Best teams in the league , we use the "Cowbell" as revenge ....Now it is a tradition here in Sac ...and we love that the Mav's made it a issue after the first 2 games of the series .....As you have seen , it had no effect on my Kings ....we probally thought we were at home a couple times during the game......lol...

If people thought it was loud in Dallas .....Sacramento will hold down the title of "The best Fans in the NBA"........you gotta love it ....

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