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Pierce, LC, and an opinion.......


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One poster wrote:

Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

You did follow the Skins back when Marty called Pierce one of the smartest football players he ever had the opportunity to coach., yes?

If Marty liked Pierce sooooo much, why didn't he offer him a contract on the cheap last year when he could have???? The Vikings were the only team to step up, and they weren't even offering that much!?!?!

There is no football player that is not replacable.

Pierce is good, but you guys are blowing this way out of proportion regarding his worth. If Barrow was healthy last year, Pierce would've never hit the field, except for normal back up duty. Like one poster said earlier, it's not like we're talking about Ray Lewis here. We can't simply open up the purse strings to every player that has a ONE good year. To be honest, I don't care who leaves this year....... we've lost with ALL of these players, so i don't see ANYONE who's not replaceable. I think the time has come to find out who wants to be here and who doesn't....we don't need a bunch of top dollar players as far as I'm concerned.........what we need is football players that are here to play as a team, not to get PAID! New England doesn't have a ton of high paid superstars, instead they have team full of football players.........I don't care who leaves, because I have faith that Joe Gibbs can judge one thing that is very important to a football team, and that's CHARACTER.....something I think this team has been sorely missing for way to long!!!

I mean, LC wants to leave because he's not happy with the offense????? I mean is that really a team player? I say f@ck him!!!! I mean is that the tpye of player we want on our team? In my opinion, we've got way to many players like this on the team already! There's so much that goes on behind closed doors that we don't know about. Personally, I'd rather have a bunch of hard nosed players out there that are playing because they love the game, and playing as a team, as opposed to the bunch of high paid, jumping offsides, holding on every other play, dropping passes, getting multiple unecessary roughness penalties, non-productive bunch of spoiled b!tches that we have out there now. I fully believe that we have a base of players that we can work from, but I believe that sometimes you have to break a team down, and then build them up with the correct pieces.....in my opinion, we don't want or need players with attitudes like LC's. Now don't get me wrong, i thought he was a warrior out there on the field, but if you noticed, he was never a guy that was sitting with the players on the field, and never seemed like he was a rah-rah type of player........and i don't care what any of you say, i think it's important to have that fire and show that emotion in the game of football.......it's not necessary for all players, but it definitely doesn't hurt. It just seemed like Coles has a lot going on in that head of his.

I say let Gibbs do his thing, and let things develop as they may.

What type of team do you guys really want to have or see on Sundays? The same high paid pre-madona's that we've watched since Snyder got here, or a collective group of players, playing together and believing in something bigger than themselves....A TEAM....specifically, the WASHINGTON REDSKINS! Half the players here now are only here because of the money, and i say screw that........i want players that we've drafted, or are brought in because they believe in Joe Gibbs and what the Redskins are trying to accomplish.......i could care less who's behind the numbers of the jerseys on the field next year, because i root for the uniform, not the indivdual players in it........so, what it boils down to is, that i want to root for the players that want to be in that uniform, and in time, Gibbs will instill just how much of an honor it is to be in that uniform........Gibbs realizes the passion that YOU, ME, and all other REDSKINS FANS have for this team, and eventually i truly believe that he will assemble a team full of players who will understand that and(like i said) will play for something bigger than themselves, or a fat pay check...........they will play for each other as a team, and for us, the fans!

I.G.I.T(in gibbs i trust)!!!!!

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I think the best thing for all of us Die-Hards to do is to take a step back, take in a deep breath, and just watch what happens (easier said then done, I know).

There isn't a damn thing we can do about anything. There's gonna be all sorts of rumors and innuendos about what the 'Skins are gonna do with their own free agents, with Coles, with free agency and with the draft.

I don't think we'll have any clue what the 2005 Redskins will look like until Mid April. At that point, after the initial rush of free agency and the draft, we can start to analyze the offseason and our prospects for the upcoming season.

Because, in all honesty, this daily roller coaster ride is making nauseous!!

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