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Fun questionaire


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Yo, I get these things all the time in email. Some are kinda long (this one in particular is) so if you have the time, copy and paste the questionaire and type in your answers.

Body: Body: LAST...

movie you rented = Been a while, I can't remember.

movie you bought = IRobot

song that was stuck in your head = "I shoulda listened" -Lil' Flip

cd you listened to = "Mista Dont Play"- Project Pat

person you called = My homegirl Christy

person who called you = Momz

tv show you watched = Price is Right


you have a crush on someone? YEP

you wish you could live somewhere else= YEP

others find you attractive = LOL, I hope so!

you want more piercings = Well, My other ear piercing DID close...

you like cleaning= sometimes

you like roller coasters = HELL YEA

you write in cursive or print =sometimes both, but mainly print

you believe in long distance relationships? Of couse, they exist. But I don't belive they work, if that's the question.


killing people = Not without a legitimate purpose

teenage smoking = Against

driving drunk = AGAINST

soap operas = Dont watch them


ever cried over a boy/girl = nope

ever lied to some= yes

ever been in a fist fight = yes

ever been arrested = NO


shampoo do you use = Suave or whatever's in the shower

shoes do you wear = Air Force Ones and 2pairs of Reebok classics (both white on white)

are you scared of = Death


of times I have been in love? = NEXT QUESTION

of times I have had my heart broken? = none, thank goodness

of hearts I have broken? = None, I hope. lol.

of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a few times, NOT for anything bad tho. Just stuff like honor roll and stuff like that.

of scars on my body? = I guess about 15-20. Just a guess tho.


funny = Ive been told. To most people Im not though.

hot = Sometimes I do, other times I don't

friendly = yep

amusing = Sometimes

loveable = hopefully

caring = yep

sweet = yep

dorky = depends. lol

humble = Of Course!


slept in your bed = Its been THAT long Im afraid... Well Technically one of my friends slept in my bed, but I wasnt there.

saw you cry = Hopefull my homeboy didn't see me. lol

made you cry = The Washington Redskins (vs. the Cowboys :doh: )

you went to the movies with = My ex-gf Jen

yelled at you = Probably Ssgt. Warnick. lol

sent you an email = Some spam sh*t.


said "I love you" and meant it = Uhhh....lolyealol :doh:

gone out in public in your pajamas = nope

kept a secret from everyone you know = yes

cried during a movie = probably when I was a little kid, I guess

planned your week based on the TV Guide = no

been on stage = yes

been to New York = yep

been to California = yep

been to Hawaii = lived there for 4 years.

been to Japan = no

been to Canada = yea

been to Europe = well... I was concieved there. lol.

been to Asia = nope

been down South = I rep the south!

what time is it now =10:05 pm CST

apples or bananas = I cant decide. both.

blue or red = Red. I puke everytime I see blue. ;)

walmart or target = Walmart

spring or fall = spring!

What are you gonna do after you finish this = do some crunches and go to bed

what was the last meal you ate = Beef and bean chimichangas (sp?) some homemade cookies and cookies n cream Ice cream.

are you bored = Surprisingly no. But ask me any other time and you'll probably receive a "yes"

last noise you heard = My fingers typing on the keyboard

last smell you sniffed= my wonderful deoderant


do you believe in love at first sight = sure, why not.

do you want children one day & if so, how many = ask me in 10 years

most important thing to you in a friendship is = trust and respect and loyalty

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