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Patrick Ramsey


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Why doesn't Patrick Ramsey move AWAY from the pressure when he see's it coming??!?!

I mean sometimes he get's pressured and all he has to do is step up or to the side AWAY from the pressure, but he doesn't!!

He just stands there and get's sacked! Sometimes he doesn't even try to move out of the way or avoid the sack, he'll just ball up and take the sack even if the pressure wasn't even that serious!!!

Now I'm not one of those fan's who doesn't like Ramsey because I do like him. I think he's a really good QB and he's tough as nails. And I know that the O-Line isn't that great and sometimes there's nothing he can do. But.........

I'm talking about those times he can. He takes alot of sacks that he could've easily avoided if he moves away from it. Sometimes he act's as if he doesn't have any scrambling abillity at all because he just watches the pressure coming and he doesn't ever attempt to avoid it.

I tape all the Redskins games and I watch them constantly, and I think that's one area that he hasn't improved on yet. If anybody else tapes the games, go back and watch Ramsey on some of the sack's he takes and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about

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