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So, can the Cowboys trump the Skins this year?


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Seems like there is a lot of concern pertaining to the Cowboys. It appears they have had a phemonenal draft and some solid free agancy aquisitions. Given the reality that they have had their way with us the past 4 seasons, and acknowledging the fact that they have gotten better, is there reason for concern here that suddenly we might find ourselves 3rd in the division next year?

If Spurrier comes in and discovers that he really does need an NFL calibre QB, we might be in a situation where we win 8 games again. Can the Cowboys manage 9 games this season? The way I see it, the Eagles look to be about the same or take a small step back, with both the Skins and the Boys pushing hard to improve. The Cowboys currently don't own the better team, but have some advantages in that they have a younger core and a coach/QB in their second year of a system.

One thing is for sure, it'll be one heck of an interesting season!

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