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Give Coach Gibbs a break!


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Gibbs is the hardest working coach in the NFL period...

This man is risking his health to bring the Skins back to respectability...

He has made some mistakes in his return by hiring most of his old staff and one questionable personnel move, but he has been out of the game for 12yrs...I look at his staff as a safety blanket this first year. He needed the familiarity and comfort of his guys to ease his transition back into a league he hasnt been a part of for 12yrs...

One personnel move is the one glaring mistake Gibbs has made...

Gibbs will make things right in the off season he will revamp his staff and his schemes, and hopefully he will be humble enough to bring in a GM he can trust to get REDSKIN type players...

If you look at this offense he doesnt really have the right personnel for a smash mouth running game. Now everyone wants him to go back to his Air Coryell days but this isnt the Rams offensive personnel this is the same O that ranked in the bottom half of the league 2yrs in a row in the Fun-N-Gun, an O that threw it all over the field.

Let Gibbs build character and chemistry within this team, he told everyone up front that this yr was to find his core group of guys to build on so let him do that.

Remeber you cant build a house without laying the foundation first.

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