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Why the F%$! not?

Ignatius J.

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First off I want to say that NFL refs are really good at thier jobs. you watch college games and it's night and day. These guys work really hard, and I for one have seen no evidence of bias.

That being said we have been screwed a bit this year, and I think it's due to a simple fact. There are not enough refs on the field. So, why not put three more referees on the field so that they can get the calls right, the first time.

the NFL has the cash, so why not get it right?

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

First off I want to say that NFL refs are really good at thier jobs. you watch college games and it's night and day. These guys work really hard, and I for one have seen no evidence of bias.

That being said we have been screwed a bit this year, and I think it's due to a simple fact. There are not enough refs on the field. So, why not put three more referees on the field so that they can get the calls right, the first time.

the NFL has the cash, so why not get it right?

Like any business, the NFL does not like to lose money. Hiring more refs would drain the cash machine.

Another thing. Do you really want MORE refs making bad calls?:puke:

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Couldnt agree with you more!! The more refs on the field the worse off the pro game is. On every single given play there is an infraction of some sort, put 3 more refs on the field and the games will take 5 hrs to play and there will be flags being thrown all damn day. They just need to emphasize the importance of letting the players play the game, and they have to stop deciding outcomes. I realize its there job, but they need to use better discretion in my opinion!

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:mad: I have not been to the Xtreme skins threads since Sunday's lost but I can tell you one thing. These ref that call that play must have had superman eyesite type of vision to make such a call. These son of a b@#$ could not have seen the play. I know that in South America if a ref makes such a call on crucial games his life made be at risk. Who MONITORS these refs anyways.

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