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Here's the redskins situation in a nutshell


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I just read this on another skins site and I wanted to bring this over here to you guys.

The redskins offense is a mess for two reasons:

1. Brunnell is done and can't vertically extend a defense. Therefore the defense is cheating up on Portis. couple that with...

2. Portis can't run the ball because of the blocking schemes of Bugal don't suit Portis and doesn't take advantage of Portis's strengths.

Shananhan had the same problem in Denver with Portis and Portis explained to Shanahan and Alex Gibbs that what they were doing wasn't working for him. So, Shananhan and Gibbs altered the blocking schemes to accomodate Portis.

Bugal has to be as flexable as Alex Gibbs was in finding out what blocking schemes work for Portis.

Get Ramsey ready and alter the blocking schemes for Portis a little and we should be fine. Atleast we will be able to put 23 points on the board a game.

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