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Originally posted by warren

Does anyone know if there will be a halftime show of any sorts on Sept 12th? This is going to be my first Fedex and wasn't sure what goes on really?


If they do have something it won't be anything dramatic. Maybe the band, maybe the cheerleaders, maybe some youth football. Nothing big. Halftime is not that long and of course it won't be on TV (highlights). Whether you like it or not, Redskin games are full of theatrics. Fireworks at the beginning. Cheerleaders will do a skit here and there. Lots of commercials on the big screen selling stuff. Loud music during timeouts. Those guys will come out and do a dance. They fill the empty space pretty good.

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Originally posted by afparent

If they do have something it won't be anything dramatic. Maybe the band, maybe the cheerleaders, maybe some youth football. Nothing big. Halftime is not that long and of course it won't be on TV (highlights). Whether you like it or not, Redskin games are full of theatrics. Fireworks at the beginning. Cheerleaders will do a skit here and there. Lots of commercials on the big screen selling stuff. Loud music during timeouts. Those guys will come out and do a dance. They fill the empty space pretty good.

Hearing that makes it easier for me to come to terms with the fact that I'm stuck here in Texas and can't ever go to a game. What a beat down that must be. Hey I'm old - we don't like all that gen-x stuff/mtv-induced stuff. Just give us peace and quiet until the game starts back up.

And do they really have an announcer that has to prompt everyone to cheer? How sad is that? I'm sure Gibbs hasn't seen that before! That's what happens when the true fans can't afford to attend and the wine and cheese crowd show up.

Cowboys games aren't that bad yet (it's bad enough that I haven't witnessed the Skins win there since 1991!). - Mavericks games will definitely give you a headache!

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