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Commercials During the Game

Saint Joe

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After watching a couple of college games earlier today, I noticed how many more commericials there are during an NFL game than a college game. The NFL puts so many commercials on during games that it almost makes me not want to watch the games (but that will never happen of course). Also, I can't even escape the constant advertising of the NFL when I go to Fedex. It annoys the heck out of me when I see a 5-minute commercial break after a touchdown or field goal, and then another 5-minute commercial break two seconds later following the kickoff.

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Originally posted by SkinsFan589

Also, I can't even escape the constant advertising of the NFL when I go to Fedex. It annoys the heck out of me when I see a 5-minute commercial break after a touchdown or field goal, and then another 5-minute commercial break two seconds later following the kickoff.

I am tired of hearing people complain about the commericials at FedEx.

It's not that bad.

For as much money as Snyder puts into this team, let the man get some of it back.

The commercials at the stadium are short and usually football related.

If you wanna complain, complain about the FedEx ushers that act like they own the stadium.

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