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Fantasy Football draft last night.....

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Our league starts, 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DEF. The * next to the player denotes starters...

QB - M. Hasselbeck*, M. Brunell

RB - P. Holmes*, S. Davis*, D. Foster, W. Green, Chester Taylor

WR - H. Ward*, Javon Walker*, Roy Williams, Rod Gardiner, Terry Glenn, Jerry Rice

TE - Kellen Winslow*, J. Kleinsasser

K - J. Wilkins*, J. Feely

Def - Redskins*, Bills

The question I have for you guys is who do I start as my third reciever? I am leaning toward Gardiner, just to wait and see what Williams does the first few games. I think I did ok, considering I was the first pick, I hate that pick by the way.

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Williams has had a real slow pre-season but picking Williams over Gardner isn't a bad choice (today) but who knows when the season starts. We haven't seen the offense really play yet but if Coles struggles with injuries, Gardner would have to be thrown (and hopefully completed) to alot more. After Rogers, Detroits, main threat should be Williams. I don't see Streets taking the job from him but who knows. Jerry Rice is one to watch as it'll be interesting to see how Jerry Porter takes the #1 receiver title. His injuries should be behind him but he's been out alot the last 2 seasons. This is a decision that should probably be put off until the last minute. Good Luck!

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