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Redskins.com: Roster Cuts Expected on Monday

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Roster Cuts Expected on Monday

By Gary Fitzgerald


August 28, 2004

The Redskins are expected to officially announce their first group of roster cuts on Monday. The team informed those players who were to be released on Sunday afternoon but decided to hold off on making an official announcement.

All NFL teams must reduce rosters from to 65 by Tuesday, Aug. 31.

The Redskins have 90 players on the roster. The team is expected to cut anywhere from 14 to 20 players, depending on how many coaches decide to keep due to NFL Europe roster exemptions. The Redskins have nine players who were on NFL Europe rosters last season.

Head coach Joe Gibbs was huddled with coaches at Redskins Park this weekend evaluating game film from Friday's 28-3 loss to the St. Louis Rams.

Plenty will go into deciding which players stay and which players are released, Gibbs said.

"You see them play so many plays in practice and then the game is an added verification. It's not one play or game, it is what they do total around here. How much were they here in the offseason, what's the injury factor, and how did they do in the weight program?

"It's a total context of a person. After a while you get a thumbnail sketch and start developing what we have. We are looking for that smart, tough guy who will line up every down and who has real ability."

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