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What I like about this defense


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Although our first preseason game was slightly depressing because of Jansen's injury, one of the big things that I took away from this game was the remarkable shift in our overall defensive strategy and attitude.

Greg Williams is just what the doctor ordered after the past 2, arguably 3, seasons of a passive defensive scheme that got rolled over on so many occasions. We are finally, as Art says, dictating to the opponent what they can do rather than simply reacting that what they throw at us.

It is no surprise that our defensive line now looks more active and aggressive. They dont have to simply hold their ground. They can now try to shoot the gap, getting penetration and disrupting both pass and run plays. I find this a welcome relief. We will also be blitzing on the vast majority of downs, hopefully generating many more sacks, hurries, and turnovers.

The downside, of course, is obvious. When you blitz and penetrate, there will be glaring weaknesses such as open receivers and clear running lanes. We saw this against the Broncos on Monday. Blitzing and overpursuing teams gamble that the disruption caused mitigates the big plays generated by the offense. Big plays will be inevitable because we are no longer playing the passive defense where the linebackers stay 5 yds off the LOS, CBs give 8-10 yd cushion to opposing receivers, and DL merely hold their ground. I think this is ultimately a good thing so long as we execute properly, and I think we certainly have the back-7 personnel to do so. Guys like Arrington, Washington, Barrow, Springs, TAYLOR, Smoot, Bauman, and Griffin are perfect for this scheme. I am concerned about Bowen (because of the poor angles he takes), or whomever else we put at SS, but that's not the end of the world.

I think that Williams' defense will be a welcome relief from the frustrating "bend but don't break" schemes we've run for so long. Sure, we'll give up more big plays than we usually do, but I'd prefer that to the death-by-a thousand-blows that we've experienced the past two years.... so long as we make big, game-changing defensive plays of our own.


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Because of so many gambles, one thing this defense absolutely requires is for the first man to make the tackle. Washington was a great example of this against Denver, Andre Lott was not.

It's about YAC, if they can hold the opens from making big plays after the catch, then they will be a top defense in the NFL.

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I agree somewhat the blitzing schemes come and they go around the league for many years. It use to be live by the blitz die by the blitz, but Defensive Cordinators have gotten better at disguising whos coming and who ain't. If Williams is correct about lavar and washington on either corner being pick your poison well teams are going to have a hard time especially if barrow can cover the middle and catch any quick draws. And don't forget about Taylor on a delayed safety blitz which will probably take Vinny out oh say around the second quarter...on the Monday night game and then drew henson will come out and all will be well at FEDEX.

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I haven't read the board lately so I'll have to review the comments after Monday's game. For me, the biggest thing was the amount of blitzing, Washington and Barrow are way bigger pickups than I thought, and omg Sean Taylor.

I think this guy is going to be the difference. His play, even though it was agains't the 2nd string, was amazing. He was around the ball every single play. His first play in the game he tried to take Watt's head off.

This kid is every bit of what's be advertised and if he can stay healthy and learn how to play in the NFL, he will be a all-pro for 10 years.

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I am concerned about Bowen (because of the poor angles he takes), or whomever else we put at SS, but that's not the end of the world.

Like you said, not the end of the world. I replayed the 1st qtr about 8 times. No bad angles by anybody, just bad reads by all on the bootlegs - I think four times, and it wsn't just the safeties, it was everybody from the LB's and back. So as much as the Bowen bashers would like to believe or mostly imagine, replay the Denver bootleg that should have scored. Everyone bolted to the left, and the whole right side was open. This is mental and correctable.

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