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(I'm a happy camper!)..."we have this...We don't have this"=my opinion!


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I realize some people wanted Taylor and some KW2...Hell....Some probably wanted Tommie Harris at #5!

But this is something I do know!...

To me..It's kind of hard to tell if our defensive line was just that pathetic or if coaching had alot to do with it...Maybe they played with absolutely no heart and it trickled down,right into the heart of the organization...

I see alot of polls on "who had the best draft"...or "who was the steal" or whatever...

But in my heart...We have the best coach to "EVER" coach the NFL and I am so much more relaxed and laid back about this next season,than I have been for many years....

It wasn't talent we lacked for the last 10 years...It wasn't speed or power or whatever you can possibly come up with....

It was simply Character...That's it!

These last 3 or 4 years have been the hardest because I would watch alot of guys just simply quit on plays....stop running...lame tackling...stupid penalties and most of all...no will to win....

But Gibbs is our wildcard!!The Ace of Spades we've been holding up till now...The Card of Cards....

Spurrier was more of a jokeĀ®...

Don't believe me?

Who is Timmy smith...?Ya I know...!Makes you have a brainfart when reading the name...And then you remember...

Well...He holds the Rushing yards title in a Superbowl...212?I think..Or something...

My point is....A true great coach can when no matter what with the Cards he is dealt...

We've had some bad hands and some great one's...

But we have not "cleaned the house"in over 10 years...

But we also haven't had the ACE of Spades in that time as well....

Now we have it...So it's time to let the "Chips fall where they may"....(players...depth...etc...)

And get back to winning Superbowls...!!!

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