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Rice on Tillman- sickening


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I picked this up from reading the corner (National Review Online)



I've just written a Dallas Morning News editorial about Pat Tillman's sacrifice. I ran across an utterly disgraceful quote from a contemptible man, Tampa Bay Buccaneer Simeon Rice, who had this to say when his former Arizona Cardinals teammate enlisted in 2002 (the whole article is here:

Someone who wasn't overly impressed with Pat Tillman's call to duty was Simeon Rice, a former Cardinals teammate who now is with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Earlier this year, on Jim Rome's national radio show, Rice said Tillman "wasn't that good, not really." He went on to imply that Tillman probably wasn't going to be around the NFL much longer anyway, so joining the Army was no big deal.

Only after Rome gave him repeated opportunities to amend his comments did Rice finally say, "I think it's very admirable, actually." He added of Tillman's motivation: "Maybe it was the Rambo movies? Maybe it's Sylvester Stallone and Rocky?"

Pat Tillman. Simeon Rice. Which one do you want your sons to be like?

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Originally posted by Blondie

I thought by the title, that he had said something ELSE stupid NOW.

At least he seems to be smart enough to not say anything to the press in regards to Tillman’s death.

Well, maybe he is.


Same here. I was ready to launch on this guy cuz I thoughthe had opened his yap yet again.

SHWEW! Easy Boy.

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When Rice made the comments Tillman wasn't dead so he is entitled to his opinion without regard to the recent turn of events. I happen to think Rice was wrong in his evaluation of Tillman's talent, but he did play on the same team as him, thus having a better position to evlauate Tillman and formulate the conclusion he drew. Tillman's death can't turn into a witch hunt for anyone that has ever made a statement that was anti-Tillman.

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Well, somebody close to that boy should of gotten him in front of a TV camera and made him deal with this situation.

By not doing it, the media over the last few days has turned him into a complete a$$ and without him saying a thing.

Bad karma, one way or another, will come and beat your butt at some point in time. Better be careful with what you say and when you say it.


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I don't want doom on anyone, but that guy (Rice) is in for something only God can help. Even if he doesn't like the 'attention' that Tillman is getting, that is NO REASON to slam him. What goes around comes around Rice!

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Actually, Rice didn't say these things after the guy died. I say he's entitled to his opinion. I don't agree with him. I thought Tillman was a good safety in the league and passed up an opportunity to make some serious money to do something he thought was more important. That said, Rice played with Tillman and likely knew him better than any of us; if Tillman was some gung-ho Rambo idiot, then Rice has the right to say it. The fact that Tillman was killed in action is what makes Rice's comment look particularly cruel; the comment itself is sort of a non-issue. Well -- no, it's an issue for sports radio which, because they have 5 million hours to fill, make an issue out of toothpaste brands.

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