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Postons: We Didn't Read It


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Lavar ****es about everything these days and he is starting to sound like Ty Law, Lawyer Milloy and others. Hmmm see a connection here? I'm not sure Lavar is going to be much good now that he's disgruntled. Only Joe Gibbs has the ability to get Lavar back on the reservation.

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I can't see the Redskins trying to put the schtick to anyone. I mean all that gets reported is how Mr Snyder is constantly shelling out ludicrous sums of money to undeserving players. Why all of a sudden does he try and cloak and dagger Arrington out of 6.5 mil? It seems much more likely that he told his agent he wanted something, the agent failed to come through and rather than admit that to the client they went ahead with the deal and figured it would all wash. It didn't and rather than admit fault the agent claims that the contract is fraudulent on the part of the team. Why admit to such a guffaw with the draft looming????? Does anyone here doubt for a minute that the likely liar is the agent as opposed to the team?

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This is ridiculous. If I don't do my job today, then I will take heat tomorrow. I can't ask for a "do-over".

If Lavar is pissed about the money, then I say he takes it up with his (soon to be former) agents.

I'd like to think that the Skin's FO isn't dumb enough to try to pull the ol switcheroo.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Someone explain this whole thing to me. Fine, the agents didn't read it but did the Redskins actually intentionally leave the $6.5 million out of the contract or did they just forget? I mean, if it was agreed upon and the Skins' FO wirtes up the contract, shouldn't it have been in there? Can someone clear this up. How could this happen?

From my read of the news on this... I believe the Postons will argue that they did not note the exculsion and the Skins FO actually made a mistake and left out the money thus there was a mistake on both parties and the money should be added back in. In other words they are saying it was agreed on they missed that it was left out and the skins did not defraud Arrington but just made a mistake (which the skins deny).

Unless they have some written evidence of the 6.5 mil I suspect they are out of luck, but as we have seen there is always more than meets the eye and this maybe a ploy to get some compensation as TO did prior to any ruling.

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