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At least we can be comfortable having Gibbs as our coach.....


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There's nothing like having a guy coach your favorite team that has all the requirements of being a winner...!

Sure,there are many good to great coaches out there with even greater talent to just blow up this league.....

But there are even fewer coaches out there who are able to win the big one.!

It just goes to show you how important it is to have a qualified winner as a coach....

After the Eagles loss...I was so happy..so happy...

But not just because they got trampled by the Panthers...

But because at least we know we have a guy who has the ability to take to the SuperBowl and even win it!

Now this doesn't mean that Gibbs is just going to step in right away and start winning Superbowl trophies,but at least we know it won't be his fault if we don't!

But I do think we've been dealt a better hand and the guy holding the cards is much better at poker than the one's we've had at the table for the last 12 years!!

All we need now is for gibbs to get his kind of players and to get them to believe in him and the Redskins could be back in the thick of things!!

I do think there is a bit of talent in the lockerroom,but just needs to be more disciplined and defined to be great.....

But I would also like to add this..............

This will be a very tough task for gibbs to conquer this time folks....Will all the new rules and league regulations and so on...

Instant replay,Bad afficiating(which IMO has gotten much,much worse since his last reign)

There's also alot more money involved in the sport than there used to be (like all the others)

More commercial advertising.....

Basically,what i'm trying to say is this world has gone to ****!

So hopefully Gibbs "gods right hand man" will be able to overcome all these obstacles and get done either way!

I will also say this....

If gibbs is able to put 1,2 or 3 more trophies in display case after all is said and done.....

I think there should be know debate who the best coach in NFL history is of all time.....Including Lombardi,Halas,Parcells,Walsh,Knoll and all the others....

Shoot,maybe they will name it the Gibbs trophy after all is said and done...

Or better yet?! The Washington Redskins Gibbs SuperBowl Trophy!!!

But of course that would be giving credit to daniel snyder in the process and the media and all the other critics are incapable of doing that.....

That's why in my eyes,we only have one ally...........And his name is JOE GIBBS!!

All the others can go eat crow....."Cause gibbs is gonna cast them back into the lake of fire...."

Like Bush said "Your either with us or against us"!!

The Washington Redskins have formally declared WAR on all NFL opponents for at least the next 5 years...!!!

Critics,pundants and everyone else included!!!

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Everyone talks about how the NFL has "changed" since Joe has been gone. Well, in some ways it has but one aspect of the game that has changed and will benefit Joe is the QB's helmet earpiece. Joe was a great communicator w/out this and now one can only imagine the advantage he will have.

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