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I Had to Pinch Myself


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I just got out of bed, I work the graveyard shift mind you, and I clicked on my Washington Post icon to get my daily fill of Redskin news. When that picture of Joe Gibbs came up my jaw hit the table. I was in a state of disbeleif. Joe Gibbs coming back to coach the Redskins. What a day this is for the Redskin Nation. I said it a week ago when Spurrier resigned that the only two names that I would be contacting would have been Joe Gibbs and Jimmy Johnson. I didn't get any response from you guys on those two names. I just had this gut feeling that Snyder had something else up his sleeve. The feeling that he had to return to Redskin roots. The feeling that he had to turn to someone that had actually won a Super Bowl. A coach that knew the blueprint for sucess. A coach that is a dynamic leader. A coach that can inspire men to play better then what they are. A coach that was loved by all, and missed since the day he left.

I can still remember the day that Gibbs announced his retirement. I was downright sick about his decision. I knew we couldn't replace him, but I never would have guessed we would have slipped so far down the ladder of sucess in the NFL. I pray that Gibbs can come in and work his old Redskin magic. Just his name gets us off the comic releif tour we have been on for the past decade. I would also pray that Snyder and his puppet Cerratto please get out of the picture. PLEASE leave Gibbs run this show. Sit up in your luxury box and SHUTUP! You have the greatest coach in Redskin history back. Please don't fu*k this one up! Act like goog old Jack Kent Cooke Sr. did with Gibbs. Get him the players he wants and shutup. Let Gibbs and his team have the spotlight.

I know some of you are pretty young on this site, others are near, or older then myself. Those of you that truely remember Redskin glory must have that same feeling that I do right now. Excuse me if I sound stupid, but I have a warm and tingley feeling going through my body. I'm still in a state of disbeleif. The man himself is returning to bring the Redskins back from the dead. I just can't contain my joy. HAIL JOE GIBBS!!!!!!!!

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I just got out of bed, I work the graveyard shift mind you, and I clicked on my Washington Post icon to get my daily fill of Redskin news. When that picture of Joe Gibbs came up my jaw hit the table. I was in a state of disbeleif. Joe Gibbs coming back to coach the Redskins. What a day this is for the Redskin Nation. I said it a week ago when Spurrier resigned that the only two names that I would be contacting would have been Joe Gibbs and Jimmy Johnson. I didn't get any response from you guys on those two names. I just had this gut feeling that Snyder had something else up his sleeve. The feeling that he had to return to Redskin roots. The feeling that he had to turn to someone that had actually won a Super Bowl. A coach that knew the blueprint for sucess. A coach that is a dynamic leader. A coach that can inspire men to play better then what they are. A coach that was loved by all, and missed since the day he left.

I can still remember the day that Gibbs announced his retirement. I was downright sick about his decision. I knew we couldn't replace him, but I never would have guessed we would have slipped so far down the ladder of sucess in the NFL. I pray that Gibbs can come in and work his old Redskin magic. Just his name gets us off the comic releif tour we have been on for the past decade. I would also pray that Snyder and his puppet Cerratto please get out of the picture. PLEASE leave Gibbs run this show. Sit up in your luxury box and SHUTUP! You have the greatest coach in Redskin history back. Please don't fu*k this one up! Act like goog old Jack Kent Cooke Sr. did with Gibbs. Get him the players he wants and shutup. Let Gibbs and his team have the spotlight.

I know some of you are pretty young on this site, others are near, or older then myself. Those of you that truely remember Redskin glory must have that same feeling that I do right now. Excuse me if I sound stupid, but I have a warm and tingley feeling going through my body. I'm still in a state of disbeleif. The man himself is returning to bring the Redskins back from the dead. I just can't contain my joy. HAIL JOE GIBBS!!!!!!!!

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