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My birthday wish for tomorrow...


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My Birthday isn't till tomorrow,but I was afraid tomorrow might be too late...

....And since I'm writing this and not saying it,maybe it will come true!

My birthday wish for Jan.7,2004 is...

For the Washington Redskins to hire a coach that is willing to coach for success rather than money.A coach that has the desire to turn this franchise around and to be accountable for everything that he does.To also hold the players accountable and to be able to read into their souls,to find out who wants to play from the heart and who wants to play for their paycheck.

I don't care who this coach is cause all I really want is for this franchise to be what it once was...A scary team to play against!

I also wish for this team to have success in the year 2004.I wish them to make the playoffs and to discredit those who don't believe in the Washington Redskins.

I wish for Patrick Ramsey to have a healthy season and to continue his heart and passion for winning.

I write this birthday wish 1 day early only because I know how impatient we are in finding success for this franchise.

And since I will be 31 years old tomorrow,I wish for patrick Ramsey to throw that many touchdowns next season and for at least 3100 yards...

I wish for a very focused offseason as well as the regular season.

And for my bonus wish....I want us to capture Osama Bin Laden and for the soldiers to be safe and come home and for terrorism to end as soon as possible!

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  • 1 month later...

Well guys....Thanks for the "happy birthday"......But it was for JAN.7....And I got my wish......It was joe gibbs coming back.........

That's why it was a retread......

If you go to the Thread about "OMG...williams got redskins for a 4 yr deal"

I got clowned for that thread about the same time or before this thread.....

I brought both of those post back from the dead because they were both predictions that had came true...

1)Gibbs coming back

2)Williams coming back (tampa)

So nevermind the other thread where I'm calling other posters stupid?

You guys are cool....Thank for the Happy birthday anyway.......

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