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This weekend coudn't get here fast enough..

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Some reports say we'll make a decsion by the end of the week. Even though we are interviewing Rhodes today I don't think we'll have anything finalized till after the playoff games this weekend.

Especially if the Redskins aren't completely sold on Rhodes (or Fassel/Green). Why make such a move unless you are 100% sure. If Weis and Crennel are availble for interviews next week then just wait and bring them in to see if they are a better fit.

I think regardless of the top three and how 'ready' the Dan is to hire one of them, they may just be waiting to make a move until another round of the playoffs is over.

So, go Titans! Save us from Rhodes and knock the Pats out of the playoffs!

Maybe then we'll be able to get some sleep and not stress over who's going to be the coach everyday.

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