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Went to the Saints/Cowboys game today...

Big Easy

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First off, thank you Quincy Carter. His three picks, two of them on really bad decisions and one when Terry Glenn fell down, were the difference. Then late in the game after we punted when Aaron Brooks ran out of bounds foolishly in the last minute when we were killing the clock, Carter rolled away from the rush and had Antonio Bryant running up the sideline in man coverage against Faquir Brown, our 4th CB. Even a jump ball and we're probably dead. Fortunately, QC threw it 10 yards out of bounds. Dallas had a lot of people there but even though the game was close, they sat on their hands for most of it. I asked the Cowboy fan next to me whether they hated the Redskins as much as the Redskins hated them. You'll be pleased to note that he said yes. They hate the Eagles too, but the Skins are at the top of their list. This guy didn't like Quincy Carter much when the game started, and even less afterwards. He also hated Jerry Jones as much as you guys do Snyder. The play of the game for me came when the 'Boys sent in a defensive package and three guys came running on the field. One was Ogbogbu, the DE. Problem was he left his hat on the sideline. It wasn't 'til he reached the line that he realized it, and had to hustle off while the fat guy with the headset on stared holes through him. Priceless. Anyway, vicariously, I hope you enjoyed seeing them get beaten. I sure did.

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