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New helmet "debuted" in Navy victory


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Posted 12/3/2003 10:00 AM Updated 12/4/2003 10:17 AM

Football helmet has new technology

By Michael Hiestand, USA TODAY

LITCHFIELD, Ill. — Sports gearmakers constantly update their lines, figuring even weekend warriors want any new technology that might give them an edge.

The Schutt DNA helmet, which uses materials developed by the U.S. military, will debut at the upcoming Army-Navy game.


Football helmetmakers are especially motivated. Since their consumer base doesn't change much and helmets must adhere to various guidelines, the three major manufacturers continually grapple over the same terrain — and try to distinguish themselves with promises of new high-tech product safety.

After recent launches of new helmets by Riddell Sports and Adams USA, the latest entrant is Schutt Sports' $140-$160 DNA helmet. It's been tested with 35 colleges and 15 high schools this year. But the Litchfield, Ill., company will officially debut the final version Saturday to coincide with the Army-Navy game. Though Navy center Marshall Green is the only player expected to wear the new helmet, the company hopes to piggyback on the game to promote the heritage of the helmet's material — military use.

The high-grade polymer padding in the helmet has been used to cushion the bottoms of speedy Navy SEAL boats as well as in paratrooper helmets and bullet-proof vests. The material, from Colorado-based SKYDEX Technologies, has been used in snowboard boots and stadium outfield walls, as well.

The DNA's SKYDEX pads absorb shock using rows of twin hemispheres that are similar to two halves of a ball being squeezed together, said Larry Maddux, Schutt's research director. He said the pads absorb shock better than a much thicker layer of foam, leaving room for traditional padding to make the helmet comfortable.

David Halstead, technical adviser to the National Operating Committee for Standards on Athletic Equipment, (www.nocsae.org) compared the advances to continuing safety improvements in the auto industry.

"Thirty years ago a 30 mph barrier collision was a death sentence. Now it's a broken ankle and air bag burns," he said. "We just have to figure out how to get rid of the broken ankle and air bag burns."

Two studies published last month found that football players who suffer concussions are left prone to another one, especially if they return to action too soon, and become slower to recover from such blows.

Athletic equipment makers have been following the studies and creating new models that could soften the blow.

Schutt President Julie Nimmons estimates that there are about 2 million football players in the USA, who collectively consume about 750,000 helmets annually.

The importance of trying to protect those players from head injuries, such as concussions, goes beyond marketing. Three major manufacturers in today's market, Nimmons says, is down from 18 three decades ago — and "litigation was the primary factor" in that winnowing.

Schutt tests its helmets by whacking them with pendulums and dropping weights on them after they've been frozen. But no helmet, Nimmons says, is concussion-proof, like no car will be completely safe in a crash. Says Nimmons: "There are laws of physics you just can't get past."

Industry leader Riddell, a Chicago company that gets most of the NFL's business through an official licensing agreement, introduced its new Revolution helmet last summer. It has an expanded shell that adds thickness and expands the area of protection toward the jaw.

Cookeville, Tenn.-based Adams, the industry's No. 3 seller, launched a lighter helmet, which the company says might reduce the risk of certain injuries because players will not be as inclined to drop their heads when they get tired.

Several University of Illinois players wore the new Riddell helmet this year, and one tested Schutt's DNA. The new helmets got good reviews and none of the players suffered head injuries, said Trent Chestnut, the team's equipment manager.

"I think they're making strides, but it will take a few years to see how well they protect against concussions," Chestnut said.

Contributing: Jan Dennis, The Associated Press


Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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