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Are You All Kidding Yourselves?????


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Ok, Ive been a member of this site for just about a month now, and if there is one thing that I have repeatedly been amazed at, I think its the inability for alot of the people on this board to

A) Realize HOW BAD this team really is

B) Understand that its not going to be fixed overnight


C) Spurrier may, in fact, need to go.

Ill argue my points, so listen up. Im dumbfounded as to how people are offended, or are surprised that people bash this team, whine that broadcasters dont give us a fairshake, complain that we just arent being treated fairly by the media. Look folks, thats what the media does. I work in television, thats the job of guys like ESPN, and the FOX NFL guys. Their job is to second guess what teams do, how they do it, and who makes the calls. And I for one, think that they have every RIGHT to question the Redskins, because IT DOES NOT WORK. This offense is not working, its that simple. Not only is it not working, but we are witnessing the crucifiction of a guy who is supposed to be our quarterback of the future. It is APPALLING to me that players can week after week do the same things, over and over, and not find a way to fix it. Im DUMBFOUNDED!!!! IM ANGRY JUST LIKE YOU!! But I dont understand how John Jansen, Chris Samuels, Derric Dockery, how any of those guys cant step back and say "this isnt working, we have to change." And the quarterback is the sacrifice! But its not just offensive line. Its guys like Rod Gardner, who drop ball after ball. Its guys like Champ Bailey, who arent making tackles. Champ was BURNED on a play yesterday, and luckily the ball was overthrown, saving him from looking like a total bum. I never thought Id say this, but Fred Smoot showed all the character in the world yesterday, playing with a hurt sternum, and making decent tackles, and staying on his man. The other thing is, alot of you people I believe, think this team is going to undergo a one week fix, and find the formula. Its not gonna happen people. Spurrier is increasingly, to me, looking like an idiot, with no idea what is going on. It seems almost as if he doent get the concept of "not working, try something else." Does he just want to keep throwing the ball downfield, hoping that once it will work? Thinking that statistically, the offense HAS to work AT LEAST once out of 10 times? Folks, I dont know about you, but while Spurrier continues to struggle, the guy who didnt fit here is down in NC rushing for 130 yards a game. Wow, must be nice to have a guy like that. And finally, Spurrier, in fact, may need to go. It bugs me to say this, but its true. Im watching yesterday, and on a defensive play, Spurrier jumped up from the bench, where he was meeting with the offense, to get a glimpse of what was happening on defense. This bothers me. We need a HEAD COACH, a guy who RUNS THIS TEAM WITH AUTHORITY, a guy who oversees all aspects of football, has a direct say in what translates on the field. Spurrier has not a clue as to whats happening on defense, and being at such a distance isnt helping things at all with this team. Parcells, the taskmaster oversees all aspects of his team. They are 6-2. This is the kind of coach Im talking about. And as much as I hate to admit it, its what Marty Schottenheimer brought to the table as the head coach of this team. Its time for a return to a HEAD COACH and not a 5 million dollar offensive coordinator. As for people saying the Cowboys havent beaten anyone decent? Your right folks, they sure didnt beat a very good team yesterday, thats for DAMN sure.

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