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Redskins Surge To Overtime Victory, 30-24

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Now every Redskins fan who ever played the game understands why every coach they played for said "This is a game of inches!" and the Redskins season was saved by one guy giving up his body to save 3 inches. This game will make a great Redskins Trivia question. "Name the game where the Redskins were losing 27 to 24 with 0:21 on the clock and somehow came back to win 24 to 30?". A win is a win, and now we need to find a way to beat The Vikings on Thursday and get to 4-5. Are these Redskins ready for prime time? No, they are not but as long as they are fighting hard, maybe, just maybe they can band together and get back into the NFC East race. Remember, until someone takes the NFC East crown away from us, we still have a chance. Make no mistake, this team has problems, big problems but in todays NFL you can make a 4 or 5 game run and find yourself in the Play-Offs, where anything can happen! The football fan in me says "No Way", The Redskins fan in me still believes!

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