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New Skinscast Episode - The gut punch


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While December brought elation, January stole the joy as the Redskins’ season ended on a disasterous note. A dream of a first quarter against the Seahawks became a nightmare as everyone’s worst fears became reality. The star quarterback had blown out his knee. Badly. The game was lost. The season was over. And the savior of the Redskins was seriously injured.

A major knee-surgery later, fans can only hope RGIII recovers fully while wondering if he will even return in 2013.

In the fallout many questions were raised regarding the judgement of the coach and player in exposing themselves to such a fate. This week the boys take a hard look at the decisions made by the team, the potential impact to the future, and what should happen to those responsible.

Strong opinions in this episode. This is one you want to hear.


P.S. We welcome Daniel Shiferaw back this week.

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