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New Skinscast Episode - Train Kept Rolling


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The count is up to five, as in victories. But the magic number is two, as in how many wins they need to win the division. The Redskins sit at 8-6, and it is down to just two more games in the season. But these two games will be the difference between let-down and elation.

This week the boys discuss the big victory by the backup in Cleveland. How is it the offense can be just as effective with no RGIII? If there was a trophy for coordinators surely Kyle Shanahan would receive it. And what of the defense? Where are they getting the magic halftime adjustments. Jim Haslett and company are showing they have a few things up their sleeve as well.

But despite the excitement, nothing matters if the team cannot get a win in Philadelphia. All we want for Christmas is a big W.

Everyone’s favorite Homer – Brian Murphy – returns to the lineup.


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