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Tomwoods.com: People Who Deserve to Be Better Known


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I must warn you that this is a blog link to a man I hold in high esteem, so take my personal bias in stride please. I also follow each of the people he mentions regularly on the web. Very smart group of individuals, with principled perspectives and the courage to wear them on their sleeves.

Given the nitwits we must endure on our TV networks and in the rest of the media, it’s doubly outrageous when genuinely talented and smart people do not receive the recognition and exposure they deserve. And say what you will about left-liberals and neoconservatives, but they support their own. They seek out, promote, and give opportunities to their rising stars. Unfortunately, our side all too often neglects its own. Here’s my contribution to turning that around.

1. Mike Church. I’ve noted before what an outrage it is that Mike Church, the best host on satellite radio by far, is not a household name, even among liberty folks. Mike is smart, funny, and generous — he promotes all manner of good guy on his show. We should support him — not out of some stoic sense of obligation, but because he’s so great to listen to. Check him out from 6-9am ET on Sirius 144/XM 166.

2. Robert Murphy. Why every rising free-market economist hasn’t heard of Bob Murphy is a complete mystery to me. He has at times almost single-handedly taken on the entire world on behalf of the Austrian School. Look at his article archive, for heaven’s sake. To say the least, Bob’s blog belongs in your rss reader.

3. Kevin Gutzman. Kevin is one of the smartest people I know, and considering the geniuses it’s been my good fortune to meet, that’s saying something. With both a law degree and a Ph.D. in history (from the University of Virginia), Kevin is a formidable debate opponent, which is why most people are too intimidated to try. Read him.

4. Robert Wenzel. Bob runs EconomicPolicyJournal.com, a blog so good you almost feel compelled to pay for it. Whenever I’m wondering about how to understand some development in the economy I seek out Bob’s thoughts.

5. Jack Hunter. Radio host Jack Hunter skewers the neocons and the progressives (“neocons with sandals,” I call them) alike — on the radio, in his column, and in his excellent YouTube commentaries.

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