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Question for Active Directory Admins


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I have a question for you.

At work our Admins had some computers removed from Active Directory due to the fact they we not reporting being logged into over the past 90 days, which is standard procedure for us.

The problem is, they are being actively used. I'm not worried about why they were not being reported, I'm pretty sure I know. I'm located in Frederick and our users computers that were deleted are in Silver Spring, jumping through multiple networks and holes in the firewall to talk back to us in Frederick.

This is my question. By adding the computers back into Active Directory, will the computers still recognize they are members of the domain?

I'm just asking because if not, I'm going to get stuck driving to Silver Spring tomorrow morning just to re-add 5 or so machines back into the domain.

We did add the machines back at the end of the day, but the users rolled out because it's going to take some time for the servers to synch the changes.

I figured I'd ask here to see if I might find out my fate before I go to bed and have to find out 1st thing in the morning if I'm going to have to sit in 2 hours of traffic driving down there for 10 mins. of work.

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Recreating the computer accounts will not work. You would need to restore the deleted computer objects. Have they logged into the domain within 90 days? If not, the secure chanel will be expired and you'll need to rejoin anyway.

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