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Offseason Assignments


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What specific assignments for improvement would you give some Redskins players?

You're a Redskin's coach.

After a this long and difficult season you look at the team.

What would you direct your players to work on?

Here's mine:

LaRon Landry-

o I would ask him to slim down a little bit and focus on agility. I would ask him to spend time with Bob Slowick to learn and embrace film study film.


o I would also ask London Fletcher to help Landry in regards to film study and in overall leadership on the defensive side of the ball.

o I would ask them to buy in to the new defensive schemes and 'sell' it to their teammates.

o I would ask Big Al if he wanted to play NT (3-4)

o Prepare Anthony Montgomery on his pivotal role in the defense as NT

o Ask Hall to become a leader for the young DBs especially Tryon and Barnes


Chris Cooley + Fred Davis-

Work on blocking for the multiple TE sets to work we got to be able to run the ball and to run the ball the TE have to be able to block.

Fred Davis- catch a ton of balls in the offseason, buy/rent a jugs machine if you get your hands on it you catch it

Jason Campbell-

o Ball security you can't put the ball on the ground

o Work on pocket awareness, footwork and playmaking (imo they're all linked) study Tom Brady:

When I’m raising Matt, I’m showing him a lot of Tom’s film, how he handles things, how he plays the game, footwork-wise, poise-wise............

"I mean, he’s a model guy, the model player, handles himself with a great deal of class, and those are the guys that play a long time in this league and are successful. There’s nobody better for Matt to keep an eye on week-in and week-out and year-to-year......

"You’re always pulling from guys, with some of things that you do offensively," Kubiak said. "But the thing with Tom is his feet, he plays the game with some of the best feet I’ve ever seen, in the pocket, rhythm thrower, those type of things. And I think Matt’s built a lot like Tom from the standpoint of being more of a pocket player, doesn’t run around a great deal.

-grab an assistant coach or maybe even work with Kyle in a similiar program to this:

The Southern California graduate worked out a few times with Patriots quarterback Tom Brady at UCLA. The location made sense because Brady has a home near the campus, and Norm Chow, the former offensive coordinator at USC, is now an assistant at UCLA.....Brady worked with Leinart on his footwork, release and other fundamentals

Clinton Portis-

o I think this has already been asked of him but come into camp in the best shape of your life, don't just give lip service into dropping some weight.

o Become a less of a negative media distraction even if it means taking some PR lessons to learn how to address the media and not get misquoted or misunderstood.

o Don't expext a certain amount of carries just be ready to run hard on the carries you do get, be reader to be the leader of a rotation and not the 'lead' back.

Devin Thomas+Malcolm Kelly

Route running, live it, learn it, love it

Devin hang out with Fred Davis by the jugs machine

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