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From Igglephans site on Duce situation...


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I don't know if this is true or not, but I found it interesting and not at all impossible given the current situation with Duce:

Supposed conversation with Duce:

1. I asked Duce about CBUCK and the entire RB situation. He actually said "let CBUCK have the job, i dont care." I continued on saying whats up with that! He continued to talk angry about how CBUCK could have the job.

2. Duce talked about how he was not a "Reid guy." meaning he was not drafted or brought in as a FA by Andy Reid. He seemed to think that this situation made him out to be unwanted of sorts. I said "no way man" and he repeated himself about the situation.

3. Duce said he would not be surprised if the Eagles did not make the playoffs this season. I was honestly shocked at his comment as a fan.

4. Duce said he doesnt even expect to be with the team before the start of the season. I asked how that was even possible considering he was the Eagles starting RB. He would not elaborate but confirmed what he said in the first place about not being with the Eagles. Considering the overall knowledge of the NFL we have as far as FA is concerned, i thought he might be crazy.... but who knows. Im just reporting what he said.

5. Duce hates the style of WCO that Reid runs. I asked him if he needed to run the ball more to be comfortable and he looked shocked. He replied... (and i paraphrase if i may to some degree).. "damn right i need the ball more to get in the comfort zone. We hardly ever run the ball. What does it mean that im a starting RB? It means my face is on TV at the start of the game. Then what? Then i share carries with all the other RB's."

6. Duce thought that losing Hugh was a huge blow to the team. He continued to say that Hugh was the defensive leader and that he was the offensive leader. I said that DMAC was the offensive leader. Duce said no, he was. I laughed.... if you could call it that.

Duce also said that Sean Barber was a big loss. I tried to explain the economic principle to him about the overpaying the Chiefs did for an WOLB.... then the real shtein hit the fan.

I asked Duce about our new LB's.... Duce pretty much said they suck. I got worried. He talked about how small they were and how even he could run right over their ass. I said, Zach Thomas is a small MLB who kicks butt. He proceeded to tell me that Zach Thomas is NOTHING and how i could ask anyone in the NFL about how he ran right over Zach Thomas. I chose just to agree with him so i could ask more questions.

7. When i talked about my concerns of the Eagles... Duce agree that DMAC is off target. I told him how i didnt like McNabbs ankle throws and he nodded and agreed it was a problem.

8. When Duce talked about how he disliked the fact he didnt run the ball enough, i reminded him that the Oline was a great passblocking Oline. He proceeded to tell me i was wrong. He says the Eagles Oline are great runblockers... but subpar Pass blockers. He looked very serious when saying they were great run blockers. I didnt choose to argue.

9. I asked him if Hugh was so good, why didnt he perform in the Tampa game.. He said that when Hugh was in, he was double teamed.... he said it was a DT problem. I asked him what DT had the problem. He refused to name names.

10. Duce said that the Eagles were cheap and that certain veterans were pissed off. (i know this is a common theme tossed around by fans, but Duce did actually say those exact words). This tied in with the whole Hugh and Barber talk.

If this is a true conversation, it explains a lot. Duce has been unhappy since that 3-13 season when he was "the man." He doesn't like McNabb, he doesn't like the offense, he wants to run the ball and to hell with the offense that set a team scoring record. We're talking a guy with serious delusions. He had one good season (the only one where he averaged over 4.0 ypc) on a bad team, got a lot of positive press which obviously went to his head.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

I don't believe it but do think Duce would rather play in Tampa

I agree Chief - he'd love to play with Gruden as his coach again.

It won't happen (nor will anything) without compensation. I think Reid learned his lesson the hard way with Trotter.

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