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Please leave Sapp alone!!


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The idea of picking up Sapp just stinks of the 2000 offseason too much to me. He would be a locker room cancer here, not to mention that he is overrated. So please stop talking about it, lest we give Danny Corleone (that nickname belongs to NavyDave) another bad idea.

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What did miss???????<br />I haven't heard a thing about getting Sapp.<br />One good thing though. Being I get every Tampa game, and see tooooooo much of him, I would see much less of him if playing for the Skins, being I don't have a dish.<br /> Tampa's D is getting a bit older, and slower. Sapp figured if he came in lighter, and regained some of the lost speed, he would have a big season. Being lighter, he got handeled, and the drop off in play by Bugger McFarland as his counter part also hurt. Don't know if I would want him or not. Can't stand him. His fart hole is stitched so tight, he $hits out his mouth constantly. When he's on his game, he's the real deal, and still has a lot in the tank. At worst, he'll keep two players tied up for the better part of the game. One thing for sure, I have much less of a problem cheering for Sapp then I did Deion.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Pete ]</small>

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You didn't miss a thing Pete. Getting Sapp is purely conjecture. He was being mentioned, as you know, as part of a Gruden-to-Bucs deal.<br /><br />As good as the Bucs have been to us lately, they may just give him to us for nothin'. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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