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I love our schedule!!!!


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With home games against Dallas,Giants,Eagles,Cardinals,Rams,Saints,Texans and colts.2 of them are previous playoff teams that we get at home.2 of them will have new coaches next year (texan,colts).1 of them we mauled this year on the road.2 of them we split with this year.and the other is going to see us run up 9 in a row on them.<br /><br />With away games we have against Dallas,Giants,Eagles,Niners,Seahawks,Packers,Jaquars,Titans.3 of them playoff teams.1 might see us with there QB.1 of them battles us with there new uniforms.one of them gets to see us pound skip hicks in the ground.the other will wish Steve Mariuchi had left when he could.and the other 3 will wonder what happened to becoming so studly.<br /><br />No,but for real;I like our odds.

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