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Two Things from the Rams Game: Bad Playcalling and Unneccessary Celebrations


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Alright, we should all be happy that we actually got a victory. Seems that many on here are extremely disappointed with how the team performed, and rightly so. Even the boo-birds were flying in full force at the end of the game, and we played at home!

But I have two main issues with this team, and I think many of you will agree.

First, there was some seriously bad playcalling going on today. I don't understand some of these trick plays that Zorn is pulling out. He seems to have no idea how to set up the defense into truly buying these tricks. I'm not a coach by any means, but to me it makes perfect sense to bait a defense into thinking you're going to do one thing through repetitive plays, then when they least expect it, unleash something new.

Case in point: When Spurrier was head coach, there was one game where we kept throwing WR screen passes to Rod Gardner. These were stupid plays that ended up gaining only a yard or two. But Spurrier kept calling them. Finally in the fourth quarter, after pulling most of our hair out, the ball was once again thrown back to Gardner. But only this time, Gardner threw the ball across the field to someone else (forgot who this was). The play resulted in a TD, and it was then we all figured it out. Spurrier was baiting the defense the entire game, just for that one TD throw. And it worked like a charm.

Zorn doesn't do that. He sprinkles these sorts of plays in at the beginning of the game. No imagination, no baiting. Just randomness that doesn't work. :doh:

My second issue is WR celebrations. Randle El, we're really happy that you made that catch for 15 yards. But to celebrate it like you do? Do you realize that other players do this MULTIPLE TIMES A GAME? I'm sitting here watching the Giants/Cowboys game, and the Giants' Manningham, a rookie, doesn't even do this. It's one big play after another, no celebrations, just running back to the huddle, ready to do it again. Are we so starved for good plays that we need to celebrate every time? Do you think Reggie Wayne or Marques Colston do this? No, because they do it all the time. So please, Antwaan, save the celebrations for TDs. This goes for you too, Moss. Your modest 3-catch, 39 yard performance as a #1 receiver doesn't warrant your celebrations, either. You're making a mockery of yourselves and don't even realize it.

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