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Colt Brennan made some very poor decisions tonight

redskins fan for life

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He took at least 13 points away from the redskins tonight by his bad decision making.

1. In the red zone, forces a throw that is picked off and taken to the house. -10 points to the redskins because it would have been a field goal if he just threw it away.

2. 3rd and 8 I believe it was, just at the edge of field goal range, I was sure it would be a draw play up the middle. Instead, Brennan is not aware of field position, gets sacked and loses 6 yards. Field goal missed. -3 points. Granted Suisham was kicking so he probably would have missed anyways, but when you're at the edge of field goal range you cannot take a sack like that.

Whenever Colt has the ball I feel uncomfortable. Now I know this is just a learning experience, but interceptions in three straight games is disconcerting. It just makes me happier than ever to have Todd Collins who is a reliable backup if JC goes down.

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