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Unifrom update thanks to Champ24 @ CPND


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From Champ24:<br /><br />I e-mailed Karl Swanson with a couple questions about the 2002 uniforms. First, I asked him if the socks Gardner and Smoot had on -- the socks worn with the burgundy pants from the regular unis -- with the uniforms were what the players would wear, or if they had something else planned. This is what he said:<br /><br />"The socks for the retro uniform were not ready, so the guys wore what was on hand."<br /><br />I also asked him about what we would wear on the road when the home team wears their white jerseys. Would we wear the retro uniforms or our regular uniforms with the white pants and dark jerseys. His response: <br /><br />"Where we are the visiting team and the home team wears white, as at Dallas, we will wear the retro uniform. NFL rules only allow two uniform designations, one for home and one for away."<br /><br />That means we will be wearing the retros more than we anticipated. We will definitely have them on in Dallas, and also Philadelphia, if they wear white again this year. There may even be more, but I haven't really looked at it too closely. But, since the NFL only allows two uniforms, and Spurrier said we are for sure wearing white against Dallas, that may indeed mean that we wear the regular uniforms for that game. I know one thing, though -- the retros will be complete once we get the socks that go with them. The regular socks seemed to drag the retros down a bit.

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Correct. The home team picks uniforms. Generally, most teams go with thier Darks as thier home uniform but some teams, i.e, Dallas and Philly, choose to wear thier white uniforms at home. Thus when we visit those teams, most likely we will be wearing our darks.

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Well, Philly, who has no identity whatsoever, goes back & forth. Sometimes they wear green at home sometimes white. It often changes from week-to-week. They fiddle with their hideous duds every 4-5 years & cannot change what they are: a cheeseball team with horrific know-nothing fans.

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