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Best Ab Workout routine...


Hot or Bushleague? You tell me.  

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  1. 1. Hot or Bushleague? You tell me.

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I'm not going to argue with you on what you find to be weird. I will tell you this. When it comes to people who claim to be educated in the sciences of exercise and diet, whether it be doctors, dieticians, or other health professionals, there's nothing that irks me more than when those same people are out of shape and fat. Talk about lack of credibility. I was once confined to the cardiac ward of a hospital for a week while they ran tests on me and ultimately performed a catheterization. (As it turns out all I had was an inner ear problem - go figure). Anyway, during that time I had a "certified" dietician come to my bed and start to lecture me on nutrition. Here I am listening to a woman who was at least 30 lbs overweight and I'm supposed to take her seriously? My sister was with me in the room at the time and finally interrupted the woman by telling her that she was in essence, preaching to the choir.

I've met a number of dieticians over the years and I have yet to run across one that couldn't stand to practice what they preach, if you know what I mean. The picture was provided in case anyone shares my same desire for "proof in the pudding". While I don't view myself as anywhere near perfect, I do think that results are relative when it comes to age and health.


in the 1st paragraph you state the dietition preaching to you was 30lb's overweight & in essence preaching to the choir then in the 2nd paragraph you state you never met one that didn't practice what they preach.so what is it.you contradict yourself quite abit here.read it again.

with all your knowledge on this topic i took it upon myself to see if you posted your job in the state your occupation & to my amazement i see your into computers (& it seems like u can't keep a job with all the places you've worked.wear out your welcome after awhile don't you).i would of atleast thought you'd have changed shltty sheets/bedpans in a hospital.

i take it you don't need the article since you never pm'd me & u were here while i typed this post??.or you finally figured it out..

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I was just going to let this drop because you clearly have trouble reading and understanding the written word. You're not much better at writing. If you were up to the task of discussing nutrition on a half-way intelligent level I'd be happy to indulge you. I assume that your wife is better educated than you (since you told me she was), thus I'm looking forward to reading/taking whatever test she will prepare for me.

Now, follow along if you can. I did not say that I never met a dietician who "didn't practice what they preach." What I said was, "...I have yet to run across one that couldn't stand to practice what they preach." Here, I'll even translate for you. What this means is that I have yet to meet a dietician who follows their own advice. Meaning, they ALL were overweight to some degree.

See? No contradiction. At least not in the real world. I can't speak for your delusional realm though.

In another delusional moment you seem to be under the impression that I've worked a number of places in my current career, thus I'm unable to hold down a job for very long. First off, I don't believe my profile states how many jobs I've had. But I'll indulge you nonetheless by stating that I've held my current job for 18 years.

So far you've succeeded in doing nothing other than making a fool of yourself. Why you persist is beyond me. It's not even a challenge for me anymore. Frankly, you've gone beyond the point of boring me. You should just stop now before you get further behind.

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So ... what do you guys think is the best way to cut your abs? :)

I know what isn't: reading this thread.

Why do I say this? Because I just did ... and now have a headache.

Which means I have to take aspirin.

Which mean over the next 20 minutes or so, my blood will thin and my temples will slowly stop pounding.

Which, in turn, will lead to my feeling so very much better; and, therefore, will make me expend relatively more energy than I would have during this part of my day, due to the increased sense of well being attendant to the release of pain (because, as we all know, when pain stops you feel mucho mas better than if you hadn't had pain the first place – it's all very medical).

Which, in turn, will make me thirsty, and will make me drink a whole bunch of water from the office cooler, including, probably, a bottle of the stuff to go in the car with me for the long ride home.

Which, by the time I get home (from my hour-long commute), will have me needing to take one seriously prodigious leak.

Which will lead, after said prodigious leak has been, um, leaked, to my feeling really, really relieved.

Which will then lead me to go to the fridge; because as we all know, that's what you DO after you've had a headache, taken aspirin, burned a bunch of unexpected energy, drank way too much water, driven an hour while holding your water, experienced massive relief upon finally and blessedly visiting the head, and then, naturally, walking to the fridge just to see what's up with an attendant sense of renewed good cheer.

And "what's up," quite naturally, are many icy cold Killians, all in a row. Beckoning. Bubbling softly. Whispering my name.

Of which, being only human, I will probably drink three, over the course of the evening, rather than the one or two I might otherwise have drunk had not my afternoon taken such an unexpected and ultimately taxing turn.

Which means, when all is finally said and done, that I'll have to do three crunches tonight instead of my usual two ... JUST TO BREAK EVEN!!

So, basically, I recommend not reading this thread.

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