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Season tickets for sale


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I've been a season ticket holder since 2004. Being a life long fan it has always been a dream of mine to own season tickets to my Skins. But due to the fact that I live in New Jersey, I have 2 young kids, and the ecomomy being the way it is, I'm having a hard time keeping my tickets. In the past I've sold them (never for profit) with the goal of just breaking even. There hasn't been one season that I accomplished that goal. I've tried to sell them through this site and had a couple of people interested until the season started. I would like to hold on to my tickets because letting them go will be a decision I know I will regret. To date I haven't paid for them yet. Today I recieved the final notice for payment. My question is would anyone be interested in any or all of the tickets. I'm not picky with what games I will sell and I'm not looking for a profit. The seats are in Sec 422 Row 14 seats 19 and 20 . They are the last 2 seats on the aisle which is great for obvious reasons. Face value is $79 each. Total for the season is $1580, with tax and handling fee it's $1763. I have until 5/15 to pay, so quick responses would be great. If interested, payment can be made through paypal so it will be protected on both sides. Any questions, just PM me. Thanks to all and HTTR!

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