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I officially hate the rest of the world....


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Well, not really, but after finally realizing the extent of anti-Americanism that exists everywhere in the world, it has come to the point where I am almost nautious.

Naturally, once the Cold War ended we have been the exclusive beneficiary of "sole superpower" status. As they say, with power comes responsibility (and burden), but being under the world's electron microscope is getting old. I have received criticism for just about everything about America, especially from the younger generations. Forgotten are the benevolent, utopian views of America and Americans, initially from when we were somehwhat irrelevant(pre-WWII), and then when we could be contrasted to the sinister entity of the Soviet Union.

So now, despite the fact that they indulge in the very products that Americans created; planes, computers, movies, television, vaccines, the internet, to name a few; they criticize nearly every aspect of our country. It's not just foreign policy that they disagree with, folks. Our country as a whole is nearly universally disdained. America-bashing has become the world's favorite pastime. These observations are mostly from personal conversations, mostly with those who have never set foot on American soil.

When you get a group of various nationalities together, the one thing they can have a good conversation about is how they dislike America. They'll cite strange ironies in the American system--- how you can own a gun if you're 18 yet not drink til 21--- or how we view ourselves as just yet accept capital punishment--- and good laughs are had by all. But never, ever, do they wish to scrutinize their own nations. The fact that we are such an easy punching bag allows them to happily ignore their own shortcomings. For this reason, I read up on many European nations, revealing a veritable sh!tshow of curruption, extremism, unveiled racism and anti-semitism, economic stagnation, lack of creativity, general apathy, and incompetence. It is perhaps more egregious elsewhere in the world. Yet it seems it must be far more amusing to scrutinize a nation thousands of miles from their own. Consider the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and its popularity throughout the world. Why would a domestically focused, anti-American movie be such a draw abroad? Precisely because it confirms their worldview and provides delicious fodder for their steady diet of subtle hatred.

The real question is, where does this vitrol come from? Many say jealousy, and although it is not quite that simplistic, it certainly accounts for a large part of it. Europeans and others define themselves in relation to us. We are the one casting the metaphorical shadow on the world, with everyone else standing in it. So a typical defense mechanism for this reality is to mentally chop the giant down to size, focusing on the negative while either minimizing or ignoring the positive. How often do foreigners extoll our virtues? I have met a few unabashed Amerophiles, but I can count them on one hand. It is not human nature to glorify the culture or accomplishments of others whom you are not a part of, for the same reason I'm not on a Bucs message board telling them how wonderful they are. Instead, it IS human nature to denigrate the "superpower" of the day, which is what happens today. Another huge aspect must be considered: that the United States is the most conservative nation on earth, and the majority of humanity is now decidedly left of center. In other words, the leftist worldview is not compatible with a successful, well-balanced, conservative nation. It would be an ideological barrier for them to believe in a conservative alternative, in the same way that a successful communist nation would serve to contradict our unwavering belief in the single path offered by free market capitalism. Beyond jealousy and ideological incompatibility, there are also the cultural differences--- we don't like soccer, instead focusing on our national games, we like big cars and big houses, we don't know other languages other than maybe spanish, and the pursuit of money is above all. Just to name a few of the many differences that make us seem like we're from Venus.

So according to most foreigners, we are: lazy, stupid, violent, ignorant, imperialist, selfish, narrowminded, arrogant, rude, too rich, too capitalistic, racist, unjust, etc etc. Yet what are they? Wise, brave, just, industrious, and utopian? I think not. Some of these adjectives describe the universal realities of the human condition, or the negative ones anyway.

Oh, I forgot about these: millions upon millions of poor starve in the streets because of our capitalist policies, murders are common sightings, blatant racism is ubiquitous, everyone eats hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner every night, we have no culture, we are all religious fanatics, and everyone owns a gun. There may be snipets of truth in these, but all are ridiculous generalizations that are, amazingly, taken at face value by those who don't wish to know the real America.

I have come to the conclusion that we really can't change their mind in the near future. There are too many issues at play that go far beyond foreign policy. And changing our identity to suit the world's wishes is not a solution IMO, though I have heard some advocate it (ie socialist policies, end capital punishment, become less "national' and more "international", etc). The best policy? Ignore them and continue to act in our best interests, while avoiding the alienation of our allies.

PS. This post was prompted by reading and observing vitrolic, Anti-American sentiments devoid of reason, yet furiously aggrevating because of the stubborness of such views.

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By reading this post, you obviously know why everybody hates America, and I'm curious to why people hate America, could you enlighten me?

I don't hate America, I love it. But, unlike you, I don't take everything I'm told and go f*ck myself with it. Is that a problem?

Another question, why do you see voices of dissent as "Un-american"?

No offense, but you're whole entire post is complete garbage.

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Originally posted by phishhead

By reading this post, you obviously know why everybody hates America, and I'm curious to why people hate America, could you enlighten me?

I don't hate America, I love it. But, unlike you, I don't take everything I'm told and go f*ck myself with it. Is that a problem?

Another question, why do you see voices of dissent as "Un-american"?

No offense, but you're whole entire post is complete garbage.

According to your questions, you didn't even read it. First, I did enlighten you with the reasons- see above.

What does "unlike you, I don't take everything I'm told and go **** myself with it" even mean? I didn't even address this in my post. It was merely addressing foreign anti-Americanism- never once did I mention anything domestic.

As to why I deem voices of dissent "Un-American"... again, read my post this time. Don't just imagine what you think I wrote. I never once said anything about domestic dissent being Un-American.

Your post is totally baseless because it criticizes points that exist only in your imagination. You are fighting windmills fella. Reading is fundamental.

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Ok.. you caught me.

I didn't read half of it..... ok, most of it.

And actually you did mention something domestic.. and its effect on foreigners.

I apologize(something you won't see many people do) for not actually taking the time to read your long, unintelligible post.

By the way, I was referring to your mention of "Bowling for Columbine" when talking about something domestic. I take it you didn't like Mr. Moore's efforts? Thats too bad. It was good, IMO.

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Bowling for Columbine was good-- just not real, which is why Moore can't and indeed, won't, assess the alleged facts shown in the "documentary." He asks, "How can comedy be wrong?" And he's right -- unfortunately, some hold it up as reality, and, well, it's not.

But it definitely is good. He knows how to make a movie and rile up people, and he's only getting better at it. In Australia, his book remains prominently featured, as it does in many other countries, heck, probably still in the US too.

I don't think that anti-Americanism is just *rampant* though, I mean, countries aren't calling for the US's head. These are perceptions that a lot of Americans get, but it's simply not the case. A lot of people don't like we project power, even if in some cases they don't understand how it's this power that gives hegemonic stability (Korea, etc.) but... who cares if they do? They'd find out soon enough if we didn't and otherwise we can't change people's minds and hearts except through actions, I think.

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let me finish my double cheeseburger before i post.....

mmmmm... love that Wendy's late night drive through!

it was a good post. well written, and it showed that there was a lot of thought involed. however, to quote yourself:

"There may be snipets of truth in these, but all are ridiculous generalizations that are, amazingly, taken at face value."

I am now waiting for AirSarge and Fansince... to start talking about how we are not universally hated...

c'mon fellas, you have stated your opinions before in threads dealing with the war....

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AJ: "let me finish my double cheeseburger before i post.....

mmmmm... love that Wendy's late night drive through!"

Nice! :laugh:


I agree. Moore is more of a comedian than anything. A comedian who uses snippets of truth here and there. This is probably unfair to Moore, but I think of him as the lefts Rush Limbaugh.

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Originally posted by AdmiralWaugh

But it [bowling for Columbine] definitely is good. He knows how to make a movie and rile up people, and he's only getting better at it. In Australia, his book remains prominently featured, as it does in many other countries, heck, probably still in the US too.

But the mere fact that books like "Stupid White Men" and movies like "Bowling for Columbine", discussing mostly domestic issues that have little relevance to non-Americans, remain extremely popular in other countries is telling. The popularity is due to the fact that it paints our country in a negative light, which comforts their anti-American worldview.

This is why I say that our country is under the world's electron microscope. They then decry and magnify our "problems" while largely ignoring their own, IMO.

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