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Internet Radio Woes


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I have a feeling this has been pounded into the ground here, but I did take some time to check, and didn't see it. Why aren't Redskins radio broadcasts allowed on the internet? I realize a certain company owns the broadcast rights (for the Giants, too, plus several other teams), but what money does that company think it is not losing by not allowing internet radio simulcasts? Do they, perhaps, think that if I have 'net radio I won't attend the game from here in Tampa? Geographically remote 'Skins fans want to know.

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Hinch, welcome to the board. Infinity Broadcasting owns the rights to the Skins and the Giants games, and they have a corporate policy against netcasts. It's no doubt due to some aspect of advertising fees. However, if you can get access to the Geographically Challenged forum (can't discuss it here), you may be able to get some help for what ails you. Drop Blade or Art an email to get access. Don't know if you can make it in for today's game, but you won't get stuck in the future.


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Thanks, Fitzman. I kinda knew the results of Infinity Broadcasting's polices, but I wasn't sure of the reason. Still, I look forward to next weeks game here. Again, thanks.



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