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Lack of fire on this team makes me sick


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We come out flat every single week. We did so the entire year. Gregg Williams got the team fired up and the defense would come out tough, Blache's defenses just don't. I don't care what the stats say the defense was not one of the ten best defenses in the league. Our offense is lethargic as well. This team just doesn't seem to have any toughness. Any time there is a mistake (Kendalls fumble, Portis's fumble...etc) we fold over. This team doesn't know how to handle any sort of adversary. Today, simply put, the 49ers wanted it more than we did. They came out and played HARD. We're soft and uninspired. I really do like Zorn, but I have to question his ability to lead a football team. Today, the 9ers looked like they really wanted to win for Singletary, just like we always wanted to win for Gibbs. I want Zorn to work, I really do, and I think Blache did a good job this year, but both of them have a long way to go to show me that they are true leaders of a football team.

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