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France, Russia and their good friend.......Saddam


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The French and Russian connection

Hardball interviews the experts

April 14 — As the United States prepared to go to war with Iraq, two of the nations most opposed to that war were France and Russia. Recent discoveries in Iraq now indicate the relations between those two countries and Saddam Hussein’s regime were more extensive than publicly disclosed and were possibly in violation of U.N. sanctions against the Iraqi regime. Hardball with Chris Matthews talked to Ibrahim Marashi from the Center of Non-proliferation studies, and Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy for some of their expert opinions.

THE “LONDON TELEGRAPH” reports that top secret documents uncovered in the headquarters of Iraq’s intelligence service in Baghdad now show that Russia provided Saddam Hussein with the following: Intelligence on private conversations between British prime minister Tony Blair and the Italian prime minister; lists of assassins available for hits in the west; and agreements to share intelligence and help each other to obtain visas for intelligence agents.

In addition, the “San Francisco Chronicle” has uncovered Iraqi documents in a Baghdad office of the Iraqi secret police that indicate that at least five Iraqi agents completed a two-week course in surveillance and eavesdropping in Moscow.

Meanwhile, recent discoveries in Iraq also seem to implicate France for providing assistance to Saddam’s regime. “Newsweek” is reporting that U.S. forces in Iraq have found French-made missiles and a launcher that seemed to be produced within the past year. They also found radios used in military trucks, RPG night sights and a new Nissan pickup truck driven by an Iraqi officer.

Ibrahim Marashi is with the center for Non-Proliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and Frank Gaffney is the president of the Center for Security Policy.

MATTHEWS: What you know about the shipment of goods, of ordinance, of contraband to Iraq from Russia and from France?

IBRAHIM MARASHI, CENTER FOR NON-PROLIFERATION STUDIES: Well, in the Russian case, the cooperation between the Russian intelligence services or then the Soviet intelligence services and Iraq’s intelligence services dates back-up to-from 1973 to the present.

MATTHEWS: How do you know about the present? Why didn’t they stop at the end of the Cold War-the period when the whole world decided that Iraq was an outlaw nation? Why do you still have Soviet, or Russian intelligence now called—maybe it’s the same cast of characters helping Saddam Hussein spy on the west?

MARASHI: Russia still had interests in Iraq despite the end of the Cold War in terms of investments in its oil infrastructure, in terms of getting its debts paid back from Iraq, so that a Russian investment in Iraq still existed from the Cold War up to the present.

MATTHEWS: Do you believe, based upon what you heard, that the Iraqis benefited militarily in any way in the last three weeks from the Russian help?

MARASHI: In terms of military, probably intelligence— not necessarily in a military way.

MATTHEWS: Any way they endangered or cost the lives of American service people? Did the Russians cost the lives of any of our people by their actions on behalf of Iraq, based upon what you know of this?

MARASHI: It’s really hard to make a connection in the sense of how the Russian intelligence training help the Iraqi intelligence, in the sense that we saw Iraqi intelligence pretty much collapse during the course of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

I think that probably if you’re going to make a connection, it’s French military hardware that was provided to the Iraqis could have caused the death of American

soldiers. If you remember in 1987, when the USS Stark was hit in the Persian Gulf, it was hit by a French missile launched from an French Mirage F-1.

MATTHEWS: Was that in violation of the sanctions since ’91?

MARASHI: No. That was in 1987, but proves the point that France was the primary supplier of military arms to Iraq.

MATTHEWS: And has France continued to arm Iraq through or right up until these hostilities or through these hostilities, do you know?

MARASHI: That information wasn’t publicly available, but it wouldn’t surprise me. French military industry had an interest in the Iraq in the past. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had violated Iraqi sanctions still to keep those connections alive.

MATTHEWS: The bottom line is that have the Russians, first of all, and secondly the French done to harm our military effort over there in the last three weeks?

MARASHI: Well, in terms of training the military, the techniques, and providing the hardware... if you add all those together in a lump sum, whatever aid they did provide is going to eventually hurt the American military that was deployed in Iraq.

MATTHEWS: Did they do so after the time it was clear we were going to fight in Iraq?

MARASHI: Well, looking at those documents, and I saw the “San Francisco Chronicle” documents from the Iraqi intelligence services and they looked authentic to me. So upon more careful examination, I think that’s going to be the link.

MATTHEWS: Frank Gaffney, what can you offer in terms of the facts of this case, do you have any evidence regarding France or Russia and their relations with Iraq?

FRANK GAFFNEY, CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY: Well, I think you’ve laid out a pretty damming case already, Chris. It’s the tip of the iceberg, however. I’m quite sure that as these documents (and more where they came from) emerge, we’re going to find that the French and the Russians had ample reason not want to us to go into Iraq...for fearing that this kind of information would be disclosed.

MATTHEWS: What’s the rest of the iceberg?

GAFFNEY: I’m telling you that I suspect what you’re going to find elsewhere in Iraq, whether it’s with respect to this kind of cooperation between France, Russia, perhaps the Chinese, the Germans and others, is more evidence of involvement in conventional weapons and in intelligence. Probably in weapons of mass destruction. We don’t have the documents yet, Chris. All I’m saying is I suspect what you’re going to find is there’s a great deal more there.

MATTHEWS: What leads you to that?

GAFFNEY: Because partly this is the nature of the relationships; what we saw was not limited to these relatively small kinds of transfers and interactions. This has been going on for decades, as my colleague has pointed out. And what I’m confident you’re going to see is the reason that we were finding so much resistance on the part of the French and the Russians and so on, has been there’s more there they don’t want to have come out. It’s that clear.

MATTHEWS: How do you identify that particular motive? I mean, there are a lot of other motives, the people of Germany, the people of France have opposed our operation in Iraq. There’s lots of other reasons. Why do you believe that that is the reason that stopped them from helping us?

GAFFNEY: I don’t think that’s the only reason. I think that there are commercial reasons. I think that there were some reasons, as you say, on the part of the sentiments of the peoples in these countries.

But let’s face it, those sentiments, the last of those, the sentiments about the people of these countries have got to have shifted as they’ve seen now the joy of the people in Iraq at being liberated from...

MATTHEWS: I would hope so. I agree with you completely on that point. It’s got to move some hearts.

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